
2016年09月30日 加拿大国际教育集团


Parents' Meeting at CKE-M


会上,幼儿园邀请了加拿大国际教育机构学前教育总监Dr. Brian Johnson与家长共同探讨“如何更好地开展家园共育”的课题。Brian是瑞士圣克莱门特大学教育学博士、拥有16年丰富的教育和管理经验,他的演讲深入浅出,家长们纷纷表示受益匪浅。

幼儿园还特别邀请了康辰国际医疗中心的儿科专家郭主任为家长们普及《幼儿常见传染性疾病预防》知识。最后,园长Ms. Fiona Yang针对家长需要配合幼儿园的一些相关事项进行了补充说明,重申了幼儿园安全管理和接送制度,确保师生在园安全。



On September 23rd, 2016 Canadian Mayland International Kindergarten held a parents’ meeting for the new semester. The purpose of the meeting is to strengthen the connection between kindergarten and children’s family for a better education strategy so as to stimulate an integrated development for children.

Dr. Brian Johnson, the kindergarten director of CIEO gave a speech on the importance of learning and studying at home with children and emphasized the right methods to read and study with them. The kindergarten invited Mr. Kang Chen from an international medical center to talk about the common infectious disease and how to prevent the children from being infected. At the end of the meeting, Ms. Fiona Yang, principal of the kindergarten, talked about the importance of the application of the new transfer card system of the kindergarten. She reminded the parents that the kindergarten will use the cards to pick up and drop off the kids. 

Parents are the first teacher of the kids. Parents should set an example for kids and teach them by personal example and verbal instruction. It’s a very good chance for the parents to attend such an informative meeting to learn and to cooperate with the kindergarten and the teachers. Let’s work together to train up kids to be happy and healthy ones.

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