【上海美国中心活动】10月13日 周四 18:30 美国大选第二场辩论放映讨论会

2016年09月30日 美国驻华大使馆



Come to the Shanghai American Center for a special screening of the second presidential debate in the U.S. presidential campaign. The screening will be followed by a brief discussion led by a U.S. diplomat covering some of the topics the debate touches on. 

总统候选人辩论是美国大选中非常重要的组成部分,也是大选时间表上一个重要的结点。在圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学举行的第二场辩论采取的是镇民大会(town meeting)的形式,也会采纳来自社交媒体等渠道的问题。每个候选人有两分钟的时间来回答问题,主持人有额外的一分钟时间来进行进一步的讨论。这场辩论对于理解今年的美国大选形势、候选人在重要议题上的立场、以及美国的选举制度等都相当重要。

U.S. presidential debates are an important part of the electoral process in the United States and a key event on the U.S. presidential election calendar. The second presidential debate, hosted by Washington University in St. Louis is much anticipated as it utilizes a town meeting format and will also integrate questions originating from social media and other sources. The candidates will have two minutes to respond and there will be an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate further discussion. This is an important event to help understand this year’s U.S. presidential election, electoral politics in the United States in general and the candidates’ stance on issues important to the American public.


This event will be conducted in English with no interpretation. Please bring your photo ID to enter Shanghai American Center.


All ShAC events are intended for mature audiences and some subjects may not be suitable for all ages.

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