
2016年10月06日 美国驻华大使馆





#AmericanInnovation# What Is Innovation?

According to Stanford University’s David Nordfors, “innovation is the most important driver of economic growth…and relies on a social climate that supports entrepreneurship within a culture of economic and intellectual freedom…innovation is invention plus introduction,” the invention of something new and the successful introduction and adoption of it into a system, because people, organizations and communities are resistant to change.

An example of innovation is the way cellphones have become ubiquitous throughout the world.  This month, we will explore innovation in America through a series of posts #AmericanInnovation# to examine what are the conditions for innovative eco-system and how American inventors and explorers brought innovation to the world.  Why do you think innovation is important to modern economies?  

To learn more about this topic, see (ch): http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/publication/2010/03/20100301131103ebyessedo0.9591442.html#axzz4KfYSKBMf


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