
2016年10月02日 澳洲红领巾


文 | 留学帝


推特上,一名学生po出了自己心理学老师整理的“101种应对压力的方式” ,结果爆红网络,引来了上万转发~  (现代人的压力果然很大)

红领巾也忍不住赶紧研读了一下。。。 ↓↓↓

Get up 15 minutes earlier   早起15分钟

Prepare for the morning the night before   晚上为第二天早上做准备 

Avoid tight-fitting clothes   少穿过紧的衣服 

Avoid relying on chemical aids   少用化学加工品

Set appointments ahead   提前预约

Don’t rely on your memory… write it down   好记性不如烂笔头

Practice preventative maintenance  防患于未然

Make duplicate keys  钥匙备份

Say “no” more often  敢于说“不”

Set priorities in your life   划分重要事件

Avoid negative people   避开负能量多的人

Use time wisely   管理好事件

Simplify meal times  简化用餐时间

Always make copies of important papers  重要文件总是备份

Anticipate your needs  预判需求

Repair anything that doesn’t work properly    修好任何无法正常使用的东西

Ask for help with the jobs you dislike  在自己不喜欢做的事情上寻求帮助

Break large tasks into bite-size portions    将大的任务分而治之

Look at problems as challenges   视难题为挑战

Look at challenges differently  换个方式看待挑战

Unclutter your life   解除生活中的死角

Smile 笑口常开

Be prepared for rain  做好下雨的准备

Tickle a baby  把小孩逗乐

Pet a friendly dog/cat   抚摸一只友爱的狗狗或猫猫

Don’t know all the answers    不要知道所有的答案(不要试着解决所有的问题)

Look for a silver lining  寻找乐观向上的一面

Say something nice to someone   夸别人一下

Teach a kid to fly a kite  教小朋友放风筝

Walk in the rain  雨中散步

Schedule play time into every day  每天为娱乐活动安排点儿时间 

Take a bubble bath  洗泡泡浴

Be aware of the decisions you make  留意自己做的决定

Believe in yourself  相信自己

Stop saying negative things to yourself   别对自己说那些负面的事儿

Visualize yourself winning  想象自己成功

Develop your sense of humor   培养你的幽默感

Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day    不要总想着明天会更好

Have goals for yourself  给自己定目标

Dance a jig 跳一曲吉格舞

Say “hello” to a stranger   和陌生人打招呼

Ask a friend for a hug  跟朋友来个拥抱

Look up at the stars  仰望繁星

Practice breathing slowly  练习慢慢呼吸

Learn to whistle a tune    学口哨

Read a poem   读诗

Listen to a symphony  听交响乐

Watch a ballet   看芭蕾舞剧

Read a story curled up in bed  蜷缩在被窝里读一个故事

Do a brand new thing   着手一件全新的事

Stop a bad habit   戒掉坏习惯

Buy yourself a flower  送自己一束花

Take time to smell the flowers  慢慢享受花香

Find support from others  从他人那寻求支持

Ask someone to be your “vent-partner”  找一个人当你的"感情发泄口" 

Do it today  今日事,今日毕

Work at being cheerful and optimistic    尽量高兴点、乐观点

Put safety first  安全第一

Do everything in moderation  凡事注意分寸

Pay attention to your appearance  注意你的外形

Strive for excellence NOT perfection   争取变优秀,而不是完美

Stretch your limits a little each day  每天都试着突破一点点自己的极限

Look at a work of art   观赏一件艺术品

Hum a jingle   哼歌

Maintain your weight  保持体重

Plant a tree 植树

Feed the birds  喂鸟

Practice grace under pressure   锻炼遇到压力还能保持平静的能力

Strand up and stretch   站起来,伸展身体

Always have a plan “B”   永远有第二个对策

Learn a new doodle  学一个新涂鸦

Memorize a joke   记住一个玩笑

Be responsible for your feelings  为自己的情绪负责

Learn to meet your own needs  学会去满足自己的需求

Become a better listener  成为一个更好的听众

Know our own limitations and let others know them, too  了解自己的不足,也让别人了解

Tell someone to have a good day in pig Latin  用儿童黑话跟别人问好

【儿童黑话(Pig Latin)是一种英语语言游戏,形式是在英语上加上一点规则使发音改变。据说是由在德国的英国战俘发明来瞒混德军守卫的。儿童黑话于50年代和60年代在英国利物浦达到颠峰,各种年纪和职业的人都有使用。儿童黑话多半被儿童用来瞒著大人秘密沟通,有时则只是说著好玩。虽然是起源于英语的游戏,但是规则适用很多其他语言。规则如下:以子音开头的字,将子音移到字尾,再加上'ay': ball 变 'all-bay'; three 变 'ee-thray'; Taiwan 变 'aiwan-Tay'并不符合本国国情。。。】

Throw a paper airplane  扔纸飞机

Exercise every day  每天运动

Learn the words to a new song  学会一首新歌

Get to work early  早点去上班

Clean out one closet    收拾衣橱

Play patty cake with a toddler  和小孩子玩拍手游戏

Go on a picnic  去野餐

Take a different route to work  换个路线去上班

Leave work early (with permission)   早点下班(经批准)

Put air freshener in your car  在车里放个空气清新器

Watch a move and eat popcorn  吃着爆米花,看部电影

Write a note to a faraway friend    给一个远方的朋友写封信

Go to a ball game and scream 去场球赛,大声呼喊

Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight  做一顿饭,伴着烛光享用

Recognize the importance of unconditional love  意识到无条件的爱的重要性

Remember that stress is an attitude  记住压力是一种态度

Keep a journal  坚持写日志

Practice a monster smile  练习放肆大笑

Remember you always have options  记住你总是有选择的余地

Have a support network of people, places and things  有一个人际、地方、事物的支撑网

Quit trying to fix other people  不要试图改变别人

Get enough sleep  睡饱觉

Talk less and listen more 少说多听

Freely praise other people  大方地称赞别人









红领巾爆料邮箱[email protected]




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