
2016年09月27日 美国驻华大使馆

#2016逛美国# - 本周景点:雪兰多国家公园。雪兰多谷虽然离华盛顿仅75英里远,但当清晨看见太阳在大雾环绕的山脉升起时,你会觉得仿佛置身另一个世界。雪兰多国家公园位于阿巴拉契亚山脚下,几百年来一直是美丽自然风光和舒适村落的家。这使得这个园区成为弗吉尼亚地理和文化的珍贵象征。游客们特别喜欢在秋天游览公园,因为那时颜色的变化将公园幻化成一片蔚为壮观的景象。公园有无数观光旅游景点,有超过500英里的远足小径和众多的偏远村落露营点。你想怎样体验和融入安静的阿巴拉契亚山谷呢?更多信息,请见:



The Shenandoah Valley may only be 75 miles away fromWashington DC, but when you see he sun rise over the fog covered mountains inthe early morning, you’ll think you’re in another world. Located at the foot ofthe Appalachian mountains, Shenandoah National Park has been home to beautifulnatural scenery and cozy rural villages for centuries. This has made the park aprized feature in both Virginia’s geography and culture. Visitors particularlyenjoy coming to the park in fall, when the changing colors turn the park into asplendid sight. The park offers endless opportunities for sightseeing, withover 500 miles of hiking trails and numerous back country camp grounds. So howwould you like to take settle into a quiet Appalachian valley?

 Find out more at:http://www.nps.gov/shen/index.htm

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