10月25日国际教育展高校介绍系列之——康考迪亚大学(加) Concordia University (CAN)

2016年10月03日 合肥加拿大国际学校

康考迪亚大学(加)建立于1974年,位于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市,素有“加拿大的清华”之称,是由两所历史悠久的学院洛约拉学院(建于1896年)和乔治威廉学院(建于1873年)合并而成的。人文社科学院提供社会科学、人文学科、纯科学和应用科学的研究与培训,其城市规划与设计专业非常出色。工程和计算机科学院提供计算机、电气、软件、工业和民用建筑课程,并和航天、电子、通信、建筑等行业保持密切合作。商学院被加拿大Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business认证,其John Molson Business School商学院是加拿大五所被列入财富杂志(FORBESMAGAZINE)的世界上最好的商学院之一。商学院的会计学Accountancy和金融学Finance在全加排名第一

Established in 1974, located in the Canadian province of Quebec, Montreal City, and She is known as "Canada Tsinghua", is composed of two oldest college of the Loyola College in Maryland (founded in 1896) and George William College (founded in 1873). Humanities and Social Sciences Institute provide the research and training of social sciences, humanities, pure and applied science, the urban planning and design professional is very good. Computer, electrical, software, industrial and civil architecture courses are provided in the engineering and computer science, and are in close cooperation with the aerospace, electronics, telecommunications, construction and other industries. Concordia University School of business has been certified by Canada Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business, and its John Molson Business School is one of the five world’s best business schools in the world according to the FORBES Magazine .The Accountancy and Finance of the Business School ranking first in the whole Canada.



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