
2016年09月30日 剑桥考试语言辅导



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剑桥雅思 传播考试真理

We teach to achieve!

值此普天同庆的seven days里,恭祝各位考主,开开心心地度过一个无雅无思的假期。


[1] Some people think that having more TV channels is good because they will have more choices, while others believe that it is not good because the quality of programs is poor. Discuss both their views and give your own opinion.

[2] In many cities, an increasing number of people do not know their neighbours and they lack a sense of community. What are the causes? and what can be done to solve this?

[3] More and more people buy and use their car. Do you think that the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh the disadvantages for environment?

[4] Many customs and traditional ways of behaviors are no longer relevant to the modern life and not worth keeping them. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

说到电视节目,谁都不陌生。可我们还是会有束手无策的时刻,毕竟雅思作文的命题是出自英联邦国家的文化。尽管这些年,中国电视屏幕里,也引进了不少国外节目,如:最耳熟能详的的有【达人秀Talent Show】,但是,我们缺的是对等词,可不是吗?


    1 Animated shows
    2 Live-action children's shows
    3 Dramas and soap operas
    4 Fantasy/science-fiction shows
    5 Game shows
    6 News
    7 Reality television series
    8 Specials and television movies
    9 Sports
    10 Talk/chat and discussion shows
    11 Comedy shows


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