Colouring books for adults on the cancer ward

2016年09月27日 英国医学杂志中文版



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Art of Medicine

Colouring books for adults on the cancer ward

 Throughout 2015, colouring books for adults have topped the UK’s bestselling paperback charts1. In our cancer centre’s inpatient wards, colouring books are next to many beds. This phenomenon began two months ago when one patient started colouring in birds using pencils, felt tips, and glitter pens while having inpatient chemoradiotherapy. Other patients soon asked staff or relatives to buy them similar books and the accompanying paraphernalia.

Our patients tell us that colouring can make the hours go a bit quicker during the long days and nights of an inpatient stay. Comments include: “It relaxes the mind and the body,” and “While you are doing it, you concentrate only on that one task.” Two small studies found that colouring significantly reduced anxiety, tension, and depression in college students23. A systematic review of randomised controlled trials on the effectiveness of creative interventions on psychological outcomes in adults with cancer found evidence that such interventions can help with stress, anxiety, depression, quality of life, mood, coping, and anger4 . A recent blog by an art therapy masters student suggested that the use of colouring books could identify those who might benefit more widely from the spectrum of art therapeutic interventions available5.

Could colouring help hard working healthcare professionals too? We hope this current trend lasts because it provides distraction and seems to bring much rapport, joy, and relaxation.


Miriam Rigby, palliative care speciality doctor, Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff, Mark Taubert, consultant physician, Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff


1.Goodfellow M, Newall S. The 12 best colouring books for adults. 2015.

2.Drake CR, Searight HR, Olson-Pupek K. The influence of art-making on negative mood states in university students. Am J Appl Psychol2014;2:69-72.

3.Curry NA, Kasser T. Can coloring mandalas reduce anxiety? Art Ther2005;22:81-5.

4.Archer S, Buxton S, Sheffield D. The effect of creative psychological interventions on psychological outcomes for adult cancer patients: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials, Psychooncology2015;24:1-10.

5.Comfortable shoes studio. My studio blog. Opinion: adult coloring books and art therapy. 2015.

BMJ 2016; 352 doi:


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