
2016年10月03日 环球雅思墨尔本分校



  Inmany countries, there is no enough recycling of waste materials (e.g. paper,glass, cans). What are the reasons and solutions?


  Somepeople think governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution andhousing problems to help prevent illness and disease. To what extent do youagree or disagree?





  1. 环境类

  (1) Some peoplethink that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Onlygovernments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do youagree or disagree?(关于谁为环境保护负责)

  (2) Some peoplebelieve that air travel should be restricted because it causes seriouspollution and will use up the world’s resources. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?(交通工具的利弊比较)

  2. 动物类

  (1) Some peoplethink it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for humanuse. Others, however, think it is cruel to do that. Discuss both views and giveyour own opinion.(关于是否要用动物做实验的讨论)

  (2) Many animalspecies in the world is becoming extinct. Some people say countries and other individualsshould protect these animals from dying out, while others say we shouldconcentrate more on problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give yourown opinion.(关于是否要保护濒危动物的讨论)

  3. 资源类

  (1) Many countriesuse fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) as the main source of energy.However, in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy such aswind energy and solar energy are encouraged. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?(关于化石燃料和新能源的对比)



  1. 背景知识的拓展

  (1) 国际问题

  一些自然因素(naturalfact)例如海洋和风并不会限制在(beconfined to)特定的国境中(nationalboundaries),因此一个国家的污染往往会对其他国家的环境产生严重的影响(have serious environmental consequences)。这些问题包括石油泄漏(oil spills)和沙尘暴(dust storms)等等。

  例如2005年,中国东北地区(northeastern China)的一个化工厂(chemical plant)爆炸(explode),使得大量有毒物质泄漏并进入松花江(spill toxins into the SonghuaRiver),进而污染了处于松花江下游地区(downstreamfrom the spill)一些俄罗斯城市的饮用水(drinkingwater)。

  (2) 国际所做的一些事情来保护环境

  为应对全球气候变暖(globalwarming),不少国家要求对发电厂(powerplants)的碳污染水平(carbonpollution levels)加以限制,因为发电厂排放的温室气体(greenhouse gas emissions)就能占总排放量的三分之一。为了降低碳污染的水平,除了要提高以烧煤发电的工厂(coal-fired power plants)的效率外(more efficient),还可以鼓励多使用例如风能和太阳能(wind and solar power)等可再生能源(renewable sources of energy),并建造核能发电厂(nuclear power plants)来降低对化石燃料(fossil fuels)的依赖。

  另外,各国政府还鼓励群众选择环境友好的生活方式(makeeco-friendly lifestyle choices),减少、再使用和循环利用废料(reduce, reuse and recycle waste),培养(cultivate)人们的环保意识。

  (3) 如何保护濒危动物

  林业和栖息地的保护(Forestryand habitat protection),人工繁殖(captive breeding),建立(setting up)更多的自然保护区(nature reserves)和公园,拒绝使用濒危动物或稀有动物生产的产品(products)(皮,鳄鱼皮,象牙,等等)(Fur,Crocodile skin, Ivory, etc.)。政府可以为国际贸易(international trade)制定动物保护的法律法规(make animal protection laws and regulations)。科学家们正建立可以保存(preserve)动物遗传物质(genetic material)的基因库(gene banks)。

  (4) 新能源的使用情况

  Ø 水力发电

  (Hydroelectric power

  )是美国目前最大的可再生能源(producer of renewable power)。2010年,水力发电占美国全国用电总量(nation's total electricity)的6.2%,美国可再生能源总量(total renewable power)的60.2%。继中国,加拿大,巴西后,美国是世界第四大水力发电生产国(fourth largestproducer

  of hydroelectricity)。

  Ø 中国现在是世界上最大的太阳能热水器市场(market for solar hot water),占全球三分之二的比例(two-thirds of global capacity)。超过10%的中国家庭(Chinese households)依靠1.6亿多平方米的集热总面积(as total collector area)的太阳能加热水(heat their water)。

  2. 段落书写




  (1) 关于谁为环境保护负责

  参考段落展示:(摘自与Cambridge 8考官范文)

  Ø I thinkto tackle(解决) theproblem of pollution, cleaner fuels need to be developed. The technology isalready available to produce electric cars that would be both quieter andcleaner to use. Persuading(劝说)manufacturers(制造商)and travelers to adopt this new technologywould be a more effective strategy for improving air quality.


  Ø Thegovernment needs to improve the choice of public transport services availableto travelers. For example, if sufficient sky trains and underground trainsystems were built and effectively maintained(维护) in our major cities, then traffic on theroads would be made dramatically(急剧地) reduced. Long-distance train and coachservices should be made attractive and affordable(可承担的) alternatives to driving your own car forlong journeys.


  (2) 交通工具的利弊比较

  Ø Aircraftshave a higher capacity/volume(容量),allowing greater numbers of passengers each flight and thereby giving the bestpossible values to the fuel used.


  Ø Althoughit is difficult to measure the actual impact of the noise on the people’s dailylives, its ability to increase the anxiety(焦虑)and levels of annoyance(恼人)has been confirmed


  Ø Byreplacing the old engines with fuel-efficient ones, people canmitigate(减轻) the environmental impact caused by flying.


  (3) 关于是否要用动物做实验的讨论

  Using animals formedicine tests will largely guarantee(确保) human being’s safety and will save a greaternumber of people’s lives who may contract(感染)some illness. In other words, if there were no animal-tested medicines, manypeople would die of disease.


  (4) 关于是否要保护濒危动物的讨论

  The importance ofprotecting the extinct animals cannot be ignored.(忽视)Therefore, it is high time that governmentshould shoulder(肩负) the responsibilityto protect the animals from dying out. For example, more nature reserves shouldbe set up to provide animals with habitat protection. In addition, scientistsare encouraged to establish gene banks(基因库)in which genetic material can be wellpreserved.


  (5) 关于化石燃料和新能源的对比

  Replacingfossil fuels with alternative ones has profound(深远)的 meanings. On top of the list(首先), this can significantly reduce thepollution. Since fossil fuels are the major sources of carbon dioxide,replacing them could greatly control theemission(排放) of greenhouse gases. One good example can beseen in America, which tripled(三倍)theirenergy production from hydroelectricity power and pollution from electricsystem dropped by 80% to 90%.



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