
2017年06月01日 美国驻华大使馆

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你喜爱卡通和超级英雄吗? 我们也是!!!本月,我们将近距离了解一些美国著名的动画师、卡通角色、超级英雄和电影。美国的动画产业早在100多年前就已经出现。从那时起,诸如超人、米老鼠、雷神和蜘蛛侠等无数动漫人物不仅鼓舞也娱乐了一代又一代各年龄段的美国人以及世界各地的人们。每年,粉丝们在全球动漫大会上汇聚一堂,分享他们对漫画和动画的喜爱。你还记得你第一次看动画电影或漫画书的情景吗? 你最喜欢的动画角色是谁? 本月,我们将与你分享我们热爱的动画角色及其背后功臣。

Do you love cartoons and superheroes?  So do we!!!   This month we will take a closer look at some of America’s famous animators,  cartoon characters, superheroes and movies.  The animation industry in  the United States emerged more than 100 years ago.  Countless animated  characters from Superman to Mickey Mouse to Thor and Spiderman have since  inspired and entertained generations of Americans of all ages – as well as  people around the world.  Each year, fans gather at ComicCon conventions  across the globe to share their love of comics and animation.  Do you  remember the first time you watched an animated film or comic book?  Who  is your favorite animated character?  We’ll share with you some of ours  and the people behind these great characters this month. 


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