SNN:尔湾连续12年蝉连“全美最安全城市”殊荣 美国25万人以上城市中尔湾有最低暴力犯罪率

2017年10月16日 美国房产精英






SNN学生记者从尔湾市政府公布的信息中获悉 ,尔湾蝉连“最安全城市”殊荣,据悉, 根据2016年的美国FBI联邦调查局数据显示, 以定义当中的“第一部分暴力犯罪率”而言, 尔湾是最安全的城市之一。公布的资料显示, 全国25万人以上的城市中, 尔湾有最低暴力犯罪率。这是尔湾连续十二年获得最安全的城市称号。


        尔湾市市长唐纳德·瓦格纳近日大加赞扬尔湾市警局的努力。 “整个市议会和我真诚地感谢全体尔湾警员及其他市府人员每天为尔湾居民,企业和游客所做出的努力。尔湾市市民感激万分,他们的奉献精神和努力工作因而得到了回报。

       尔湾市警察局长麦克·哈默尔赞扬警务人员为履行职务而作出的努力, 并表彰他们致力维护尔湾的承诺。 “尔湾市警员都是出色的专业人士。他们一再超越我们对他们为社区服务的期望。”

       他也赞扬市府领袖和社区居民对公共安全承诺的努力。 “市府领袖一贯支持公共安全工作, 确保我们有资源为我们的居民提供无与伦比的服务。此外,尔湾警局与社区合作的重要性不容忽视。居民参与预防犯罪工作的奉献精神对于保护我们全体人士的生活品质至关重要。"


Irvine Retains Safest City Status 

 Irvine is the Safest City of its size for Part 1 violent crime, FBI data for calendar year 2016 shows. The information released today shows that Irvine has the lowest rate of violent crime of any City in the nation with a population of 250,000 or more. This is the 12th consecutive year Irvine has earned the Safest City designation.

The FBI’s Annual Uniform Crime Report measures Part 1 crime, which includes murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, auto theft and arson.

Irvine Mayor Donald P. Wagner recognized the efforts of the Irvine Police Department. “The whole City Council and I sincerely thank the men and women of the Irvine Police Department, and other City staff, for the efforts they make each day to keep Irvine’s residents, businesses, and visitors safe. Their dedication and hard work has paid off again for the City, and the citizens of Irvine are indebted to them,” Wagner said.

Irvine Police Chief Mike Hamel commended the efforts of Police Department personnel for their dedication to duty and lauded their commitment to keeping Irvine safe.  “The men and women of the Irvine Police Department are consummate professionals who time and again exceed expectations in their service to our community.”

He also praised the efforts of City leaders and the community for their commitment to public safety. “City leaders have consistently supported public safety efforts, ensuring we have the resources we need to provide unparalleled service to our residents,” he said. “Further, the importance of the Irvine Police Department’s partnership with the community can’t be overstated. The dedication of our residents to participate in crime prevention efforts has been critically important to preserving the quality of life we have all come to appreciate.”



深谙中国客户需求,熟知中美相关法规的洛杉矶本土经纪人,提供洛杉矶置业一条龙房产服务,手握加州洛杉矶市尔湾(Irvine),森林湖(Lake Forest), 新港(Newport beach/Newport Coast),核桃(Walnut),钻石吧(Diamond Bar),约巴林达(Yorba Linda), 圣马力诺(San Marino), 阿卡迪亚(Arcadia)等热点地区所有新房与二手房源,专精于顶级学区房与高性价比投资房。








阿卡迪亚: 556 Las Tunas Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007;

罗兰岗: 17578 Colima Rd, Rowland Heights, CA 91748;

尔湾: 1000 Roosevelt., Ste 100, Irvine, CA 92620


---洛杉矶郡:核桃(Walnut),钻石吧(Diamond Bar),约巴林达(Yorba Linda), 奇诺岗(Chino Hills), 罗兰岗(Rowland Heights) , 圣马力诺(San Marino), 阿卡迪亚(Arcadia), PV半岛(Rancho Palos Verdes)

---橙县:尔湾(Irvine),森林湖(Lake Forest), 新港(Newport beach/Newport Coast),拉古娜湖(Laguna Niguel), 拉古娜海滩(Laguna Beach)

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