
2018年05月08日 7PLUS英语

每天推送有关雅思/PTE的资讯、学习及考试技巧、最新题目动态,即时更新题目等。试听热线:03 9670 7996)




This graph shows the oral reading fluency in words per minute for successful readersand struggling readers. Starting with the successful readers, they can read 20words per minute in Grade 1, and then two years later they can read up to 120words a minute, which is about six times as much. Struggling readers can onlyread about seven to eight words when they start and two years later they arestuck on about 40 words per minute.

你可能会想如果把上面的答案以流利的语速和native的发音读出来这题的分数就是满分了。但是,我只能说这个答案确实很好,它包括了图片中的比较,趋势,细节,但是并不完美。因为“it does not develop beyond description”。换句话说,你想要拿到满分,仅仅描述图片上的信息还不够,还要描述一些“information that can be drawn”比如说这一题你可以说一些额外信息比如为什么successful Grade 1 readers improve more rapidly(注意这个信息点的是你自己得出的,不能是图中的已有信息)。讲到这里,我也知道大家下一个问题是什么,就是我连图中的信息都讲得不全或者结巴,你还让我讲从图中能推测出来的东西?我只能回答那是你还没有练到家,但是如果你的口语分数停在78 ,77,在你流利度和发音都没有上升空间的前提下,不如尝试这个方法:go beyond the image





The diagram shows a method of water collection called, shadouf. Um there's a climbing postwith notches which you climb up on. And then there's a walkway with stairs onit. As the operator moves up and down the stairs, a lever rises and falls.Causing a bucket to drop in the water or to rise from the water. Someone elseerm. can just get the bucket and the water on the other side.


是什么阻止他拿满分?缺少一个超过图片本身的信息点,比如:This is a very effective method to collect water sources in ruralarea.如果能有这样一句话,这个response就完美了。注意有些同学喜欢说(this is a very interesting graph about读一遍标题),这样的一句话是不会给你任何的bonus的,因为电脑知道你在说什么,这句话在保证流利度的情况下,可以保证你的答案不丢分。


同样的方法也可以被运用在Retell lecture里面:


刚刚说过在Describe image里你要做的是beyond the image,那么在RL里你要做的自然就是beyond the lecture了,仅仅复述还不够,你还要从音频里没有说到的信息着手。举个例子:比如音频介绍的是登月的工具,你就可以说“it might be complicated to build such a vehicle”。再比如音频介绍如何创建一个网站,你就可以说“setting up a website requires lots of time and effort”总之任何没有在文章中说道但同时你觉得可能存在的都可以作为锦上添花的一笔。







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