
2015年07月23日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

2015722日八点前,同学们陆续来到教室,开始一天的夏令营之旅。班会上,中国同学首先帮助美国同学批改作业,之后中美同学各自献唱中英文歌曲,加强同学们之间的了解。第一节课是Bella老师教授的手工课,每名同学一件红色T恤衫,剪制带有中国特色图案的服装并穿上展示。第二节课是Sucre老师教授的书法课,同学们认真学习着如何书写横,竖,撇,捺。经过练习之后开始书写自己的汉语名字,都写得有模有样。吃过午饭后,同学们来到足球场,来了一场别开生面的中美足球友谊对抗赛。下午一点钟,所有同学乘坐班车来到长春净月潭国家森林公园,对净月潭正门(净月广场)--北普陀镇寺--水库大坝--游船码头--小森林浴场等地进行游览,欣赏自然风光,呼吸新鲜空气,身心都得到了放松;一些同学还自愿乘坐索道和缆车。放学后,美国带队老师詹老师和汉办朱老师前往Irina 家和Jerry家,进行拜访拍摄,了解学生在寄宿家庭的情况。

2015 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp for American High School Students---Hiking in Jingyeutan National Forest Park

All the students came to the classroom successively in the morning at 22ed July 2015 and started a new day. At the class meeting, Chinese students helped American students to correct their homework and then American students and Chinese students sang songs. In the first class, Bella taught the students to do manual training. Each student got one red T-shirt and then cut some pictures with Chinese characteristics on the T-shirts and put them on to show. In the second class, Sucre taught them to write calligraphy, every student learned how to write their Chinese name and wrote very well. After lunch, some Chinese students and American students had a soccer match at the football field. All the students went to the Jingyue Park by school bus and they all enjoyed the beautiful scenery there and breathed fresh air and some students volunteered to take chair lift and mountain coaster. After class, the leader teachers of America and Hanban visit two host families and knew more about the host family.


中文课Chinese Class


与Irina寄宿家庭合影Picture Together with Irina's Family

与Jerry Lee的寄宿家庭合影Picture Together with Jerry Lee's Family

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