
2015年08月28日 加拿大木业协会

这是一个办公室改建项目,在原本空旷的混凝土办公楼中营造一个温暖的木质氛围。客户是一家仪器仪表工程公司,在看过了建筑师Michael Green的许多美不胜收的木建筑项目之后,他们决定大胆采用木结构作为改建方案。客户希望木材能够尽量多的裸露在外,并且设计要简洁大胆。最终Michael Green选用了LVL板材作为主要结构梁和柱材料,这种经济便宜且效果不凡的材料一般被用于木结构建筑隐含的结构部分构件。这种创造性的将LVL用于结构和装修的做法赢得了客户的喜爱。这个项目只花了三个工人,短短16天时间便大功告成。

For this instrumentation engineering company, we created a bespoke manufacturing facility and mezzanine office space within a new industrial condominium complex in South Vancouver.

Having seen our previous work with mass timber, our client came to us with a vision of exposed wood in their facility. We created a clean and simply detailed structural insertion in the double height space, where mass timber elements provided both structure and finish.

This project was the first in the world to use Brisco panels, a re-sawn LVL panel manufactured in Golden, BC. This mass timber product was used as columns, beams, floors, partitions and even stairs, creating a monolithic yet natural backdrop to their operations. The economy and simplicity of the structural concept allowed the complete structure to be installed inside the existing building in 16 days by 3 tradesmen.

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