设计竞赛入围 · D037筑木•衔山

2015年08月03日 加拿大木业协会


Located in the west the Yanghe River Dagushan estuary on the right bank, steep tall and straight, Gu Zhi in the Yellow Sea coast, both seamounts victory, especially tall steep, thus its name dagushan. The case base is located in the Yanghe River Dagushan between large and vast alluvial plain. The visitor center as tourists visit the starting station Gushan Scenic Area, plays between the mountains and the public contact role in emotion and space; through the visitor center, visitors can expect to understand the lonely mountain scenic area tourism information and related matters.
In view of the above background, combined with the competition theme, we put forward a design concept "Connection between mountain and city with wood"; hope that through this kind of wood material, overlapping Gushan and city, a contact with the public relations channel, re definition of city and nature, person and the mountain. In space, the mountain trail is building, at the visitor center roof form an open roof space, outside the visitors center as part of Dagushan, with humility towards the natural environment oriented attitude city interface; in landscape treatment, do continue to retain the original mountain possible, forming a large number of outdoor and semi outdoor natural slope, building by means of view, blend into the surrounding natural environment; in the city on the interface, the visitor center roof to echo the trend of the mountain long arc, forming a step shaped Roof garden, showing the Dagushan the most beautiful smile to enter the scenic tourist.

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