
2014年09月15日 Andy移民网


邮件的主要内容是:想要提醒大家,自从上次2014年8月22日系统发布electronic immigration health process后,在ImmiAcccount进入eMedical Client时便会弹出“Organise your health examinations”。但这一情况已经得到解决。新的问题就是,客户在进入eMedical Client里时下载不了My Health Declarations表格。这一问题我们尽量会在下周三左右解决。在此期间,为了避免您受到影响,请确保您在完成MHD表格的时候所有地址栏都已经填满。如果在您提交MHD之后仍然出现“Organise your health examinations”这一链接,就请您一个小时后再试一次。请注意,这里您是不需要再次填写My Health Declarations表格的。如果问题仍然得不到解决,就请联系我们的工作人员:[email protected] ,他们会帮助大家。


We want you to alert you to the fact that there have been some problems occurring in the electronic immigration health process since our last systems release on 22 August 2014 – these have been preventing some clients/agents being able to access eMedical Client via the ‘Organise your health examinations’ link in ImmiAcccount.

This was impacting clients who had lodged a GVP processed online visa application. However, this has now been resolved. A new issue has, however, been identified which is preventing some clients from accessing eMedical Client after lodging a My Health Declarations form. We will be scheduling a fix for this as soon as possible (hopefully mid next week). However, in the interim, please make sure that if completing an MHD form all address fields are populated when completing the form to avoid your case being impacted by this problem.

If after submitting an MHD form, you still experience a problem with the ‘Organise your health examinations’ link, please try again after 1 hour. Do not lodge a 2nd My Health Declarations form. If there is still an issue, please contact our staff at [email protected] and they will assist you.

Apologies for any inconvenience.








Andy 2478294344


Email 咨询:

[email protected]

公司地址:Unit 2, 25 Brisbane St, St Lucia QLD 4067

我们的网址 (Web):

FEAC总站: www.feac.cn

Andy澳洲技术移民网: www.andyyimin.com

Andy澳洲工程师评估网: www.engineersau.com

Andy澳洲留学网: www.andyliuxue.com

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