
2016年05月24日 美国驻华大使馆

#亚太裔传统月# 2016年普利策小说奖颁给了阮越清的处女作小说,《同情者》。他还是孩子时,他和家人来到美国,在一次与华盛顿邮报的采访中他是这么说的:“是成千上万在我之前的人们为了平等,社会正义和人人享有平等代表权的英勇斗争成就了我的小说,在整个社会中,特别是在文学世界中。也是很多被记住和被遗忘的作家成就了我的小说,他们为今天的少数族裔作家,非白人作家,亚裔美国作家,越南裔美国作家开辟出了一条路。” 




The 2016 Pulitzer Prize for fiction went to Viet Thanh Nguyen for his debut novel, The Sympathizer. Nguyen’s family came to the United States when he was a child and he had this to say in an interview with the Washington Post:  “My novel is made possible by the heroic struggles of many thousands of people before me who fought for equality, social justice and equal representation for all, in society as a whole and in the literary world in particular. The novel is also made possible by the many writers, remembered and forgotten, who have blazed the path for today’s minority writers, writers of color, Asian American writers, Vietnamese American writers.” Read more about Nguyen here (English): https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/books/




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