
2016年05月23日 美国驻华大使馆

#亚太裔传统月#赵小兰(Elaine Chao)生于台北(祖籍上海嘉定),年幼时随父母移居美国,毕业于哈佛大学企业管理学院,弃商从政后担任过交通部副部长,后最为人熟知的是担任了美国第24任劳工部部长。她是美国历史上第一位进入内阁的华裔,同时也是内阁中的第一位亚裔妇女。

Chao (Elaine Chao) was born in Taipei (native of Shanghai Jiading), moved to the U.S. with her parents at a young age, and graduated from Harvard University School of Business Management. After leaving the private sector for politics she served as Deputy Minister of Communications, and is best known for serving as the 24th Secretary of Labor.  She is the first American of Chinese descent to serve on the President’s Cabinet, and the first Asian woman to serve on the Cabinet.

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