安全第一 生命无价 ——加拿达外国语学校五月安全教育掠影

2016年05月19日 加拿大国际教育集团

Safety first for life is priceless!

  -- A report about safety education of CLS in May


Safety education is one of the most important work in our school. And we’ll always pay great attention to it. 


In the beginning of May, we gave kids a safety education lesson in  class. Teachers talked about it from different aspects, such as fire fighting, transportation, taking the bus, using electricity, drowning, campus injuries etc. We hope all these things can enter the kids’ hearts and protect and keep them safe. We also hope that the kids’ consciousness and education ability will have greater improvement.


We not only strengthen safety education and fire drills in the class, but also have demonstrations. This Letter to the Parents will hopefully encourage the parents to cooperate with the school. We believe that it can limit accidents and injuries when we put into practice what we have learned.


There is nothing more important than safety. Through having the knowledge of safety education, we can find and eliminate any pitfalls and have a safe and harmonious campus!

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