[上海美领馆讲座] 6月2日 周四 18:30 EducationUSA教育资源介绍&咨询会

2016年05月27日 美国驻华大使馆


对留学美国感兴趣吗?想要了解更多关于申请流程、学校选择、专业选择方面的信息吗?上海美国中心将在6月2日下午三点到四点半举行一场EducationUSA 教育资源介绍&咨询会。现场你可以读到最新的美国教育、留学类图书资源,提出你关于美国留学的疑问,以及了解到信息资源中心(IRC)的其他学习资源。

Interested in studying in the U.S.? Want to learn more about the application process, different school options and majors?  On June 2 from 3-4:30pm, the Shanghai American Center will host an EducationUSA advising session to help you explore U.S. study abroad options.  During this time, you can read the latest books and resources on U.S. education opportunities and ask our official EducationUSA Advisor for tips on studying in the U.S.


The event will be in Chinese. Please bring your photo ID to enter Shanghai American Center.

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