
2016年05月26日 美国高中生







ache 疼痛- The ache is getting worse. What should I do?
ear ache耳朵疼 - I've got a horrible ear ache today.
headache头痛 - I woke up with a pounding headache this morning.
stomach ache 肚子痛- Don't eat too much chocolate or you'll get a stomach ache.
toothache牙痛 - Go to the dentist for your toothache.
cancer 恶性肿瘤 - Cancer seems to be the plague of modern life.(了解就好)
cold感冒 - People sometimes work if they've only got a cold.
cough 咳嗽- He has a strong cough. He should take some cough syrup.
flu 流感- It's common to feel aches and pains, as well as have a slight fever when you've got the flu.
heart attack 心脏病发作 - A heat attack doesn't need to be fatal in modern times.
heart disease 心脏病- Heart disease affects a lot of families. 
infection 感染 - Make sure to clean the wound so you don't get an infection
infectious disease 传染病- She caught an infectious disease at school.
pain疼痛- Where do you feel the pain?常说的那句“你哪里疼”就是这句
virus病毒 - There is a virus going around at work. Take lots of vitamins.


Bruise擦伤,挫伤 - I have this bruise from hitting myself with a door!
cut 伤口 - Put a bandaid on your cut.
graze 擦伤 - That's just a graze. It's nothing serious.
wound 创伤,伤口 - That wound needs to be treated by a doctor. Go to the emergency room.


bandage 绷带- Use this bandage to stop the bleeding.
check-up 体检- I have a check-up next month. 
dose (of medicine) 剂量(药物)服药- Make sure to take your dose of medicine at ten o'clock.
drugs 药物(不是毒品哦)- The doctor can prescribe drugs if necessary. 
injection 注射 - Some medicine is given by injection.
medicine 药物- Regularly take the medicine and you should have no problems.
operation 手术- Ron has a serious operation on Friday. 
pain-killer 止痛药- Opiates are a type of pain-killer that can be very addictive. 
pill 药丸- Take one pill before you go to bed.
tablet 药片- Take one tablet with each meal.
tranquilizer 镇静剂- This tranquilizer will calm your nerves so you can rest.


dentist 牙医- The dentist gave me a check-up and cleaned my teeth.
doctor 医生- The doctor can see you now.
general practitioner 全科医师- Most families have a general practitioner to help them with most needs. 
midwife助产士 - Many women choose to have a midwife help with the birth of their baby. 
nurse 护士 - The nurse will come in to check on you every hour.
patient 病人- The patient has a broken rib and nose.
specialist专门医师 - The specialist was excellent, but extremely expensive. 
surgeon 外科医生 - Surgeons need to have nerves of steel as they cut into the flesh during an operation.


Hospital 医院 - I'll meet you at the hospital and we can stop in to see Peter who's recovering from surgery.
surgery / operating theatre 手术室 - The surgeon entered the operating theatre / surgery and began the operation
waiting room 候诊室 - You can sit in the waiting room until he's finished.
ward 病房- Mr. Smith is in the ward at the end of the hall.


Catch患上,得病 - Most people catch a cold from time to time.
cure治疗 - It took the doctor six months to cure the illness.
heal 治愈- A wound can take a long time to heal.
hurt 疼,弄伤- The boy hurt his ankle playing basketball.
injure 受伤 - I injured myself climbing a tree!
operate on 动手术- The surgeon will operate on the patient at three o'clock.
prescribe 开处方 - The doctor prescribed an antibiotic to help the wound heal.
treat 治疗- We'll treat anyone who has a health issue.


fit 健康的- He's a fit young man. He shouldn't be worried.
ill 病了的- Unfortunately, she looks ill today.
sick 病了的- Do you feel sick?
healthy 健康的 - Eat healthy food and get regular exercise. 
unhealthy 不健康的 - Eating fatty foods and lots of sweets is very unhealthy.
painful疼痛的 - The painful arm was held in a cast.
unwell不舒服的 - Many students are feeling unwell.

well 健康的(痊愈了的)- I hope you get well soon. 







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