【英语学习】 每日对话:在公园里找钻石[声频]

2016年05月19日 美国驻华大使馆

在阿肯色州的钻石坑州立公园,一个游客展示她找到的一颗8.52克拉的钻石。(Crater of Diamonds State Park via AP)


今天,这家人来到阿肯色州(Arkansas)一个少见的公园——钻石坑州立公园(Crater of Diamonds State Park )。

Sam: How long are we going to spend here? I want to stay until I find a diamond.

Gina: We’ll spend the day here, so keep your eyes peeled for diamonds.

Claudine: Is it really likely that we’ll find something?

Paul: The park opened 45 years ago, and since then, visitors have found more than 30,000 diamonds.

Claudine: Wow! That’s a lot. I’ve never looked for diamonds in volcanic soil before, so maybe I’ll have beginner’s luck and find one. And we don’t have to give diamonds we find to the park?

Paul: No, it’s finders keepers.

Sam: Why are there diamonds here? I didn’t know there were diamonds in the U.S. — except at the store, of course.

Gina: There was a volcanic eruption about 100 million years ago. Because of the eruption, rocks and minerals were brought to the surface. Over time, erosion has removed a lot of the soil, and the heavier stuff — like diamonds — remains.

Sam: That’s lucky for us! Now let’s start looking.


Crater of Diamonds State Park:钻石坑州立公园,位于阿肯色州,是世界上唯一个公众可以进入的钻石场。 A state park: 州立公园,通常有受到保护的自然风景或历史意义。州立公园由州政府管理。 而国家公园,a national park ,则是由联邦政府管理。

To keep one’s eyes peeled :留神注意(某东西或人)

Volcanic soil:火山灰土壤。A volcano:火山。 volcanic eruption:火山爆发。volcanic ash:火山灰。Soil:土,土壤。

Beginner’s luck:新手的运气

Finders keepers:谁找到归谁所有


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