【英语角】How to Get Away with Murder:逍遥法外

2016年05月23日 美国移民ALC


《逍遥法外》(How to Get Away with Murder)是美国广播公司电视台于2014年推出的一部新剧,由珊达·莱梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)担任制作人。该剧讲述了一群雄心勃勃的法学院学生与神秘的法学教授Annalise Keating共同卷入一场谋杀阴谋的故事,具有强烈的悬疑色彩,被称为“律政惊悚剧”。

Wes Gibbins是Middleton大学的法学新生,在第一堂课上,他认识了法学教授Annalise Keating,随后与其他四名学生一起被Annalise选为得意门生,来到她的律师事务所实习。Annalise不仅是一位教授,也是一位知名的辩护律师,几位学生用尽浑身解数,协助Annalise打赢了一场场看似不可能赢的官司。然而,有一个案件却始终没有答案并贯穿剧集始终——一个名叫Lila Stangard的女孩在校园内被人谋杀。随着剧情的推进,嫌犯一一摆脱罪名,真相却始终扑朔迷离。

Lila Stangard的谋杀案是本剧第一季的主线,由此又牵出剧中人物的各种纠葛:Annalise的丈夫、心理学教授Sam曾与Lila偷情;Wes与Lila生前的好友Rebecca成为情侣;当Rebecca怀疑Sam是杀人凶手并与之发生争执时,混乱中Wes等人一起杀死了Sam;Annalise因对丈夫失望至极,决定帮助Wes等人逃脱法网;而当Rebecca威胁要告发Wes等人时,她又被神秘人谋杀……在第一季末尾,杀害Lila的凶手终于浮出水面,但剧情反而留下了更多疑点:Lila被害的幕后黑手是谁?又是谁杀死了Rebecca?Wes等人能否洗脱杀死Sam的罪名?


1.Quotes from Season 1 Episode 2

Annalise: Look around you, at the quiet girl you share notes with, the cute guy you have a crush on, the gunner who talks too much in class, and ask yourselves, do you know who anyone really is? Your instincts better be good, or you’ll find yourself choosing the wrong people to make a study group with, to sleep with or even marry.


2. Quotes from Season 1 Episode 5

Annalise: There are cases that speak to evidence, and then there are cases that speak to our humanity, begging our hearts to decide. What is right is what you feel and what you know in your bones. Discovering what’s happening behind closed doors of a marriage or a family is shocking…. Don’t send this young man to prison for doing the same thing you would have done for someone you loved.


3. Quotes from Season 1 Episode 9

Sam: If you think I killed her (指Lila), why not just go to the police? Why get them to run a DNA test instead? It’s so you can cover your own ass, because that’s who you are, some scared little girl who pretends to be strong but is really just weak and selfish.
Annalise: I did everything I could to protect you!

Sam: You’ve done nothing but make my life miserable!


4. Quotes from Season 1 Episode 15

Rebecca: I told you everything about me, every awful thing anyone has ever done to me. But you know what? You’re the worst one, ’cause I didn’t know I had to be afraid of you.
Wes: You don’t. You just need to tell me what happened that night.

Rebecca: I have told you. I have told you again and again. You don’t believe me.


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