
2016年10月20日 美国驻华大使馆

Photo: APHIS

你正准备带着宠物一起出国旅游吗?你需要满足你将前往的国家关于动物健康的要求。一旦你知道了旅行的目的地和时间,请告知你所在地的兽医。 兽医可以帮助你完成宠物出口流程。 这一流程可能会涉及获得健康证书、更新疫苗接种、完成疾病测试,以及由美国动植物检验局审核和批准你的书面材料。


#Traveling Around the U.S. – Travel Tip of the Week

Are you travelling to another country and bringing along Fluffy or Fido?  You’ll need to meet the animal health requirements of the country you are visiting.  As soon as you know where you are heading and when, talk to your local veterinarian.  He or she can help you work through the pet export process.  This can involve getting a health certificate, updating vaccinations, completing disease testing, and having your paperwork reviewed and endorsed by the US Animal and Plant Inspection Service.  

You can find a list here to get started:


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