
2017年06月10日 美中国际美国留学广州分部




U.S.News 综合第15


Cornell University  康奈尔大学


康奈尔大学(Cornell University),创立于1865年,是一所位于美国东北纽约上州手指湖地区伊萨卡市的世界顶级研究型综合大学,是著名的常春藤联盟成员,共有40多名师生曾荣获诺贝尔奖。康奈尔大学的立校之本是任何人都有获得教育的平等权利,是常春藤盟校中第一所实行性别平等的男女合校大学,招生录取上不计贵族身份,不分信仰和种族,并且其校训的宗旨是创建学科齐全、包罗万象的新型综合性大学,因而该校一直被誉为美国历史上第一所具有真正意义的全民大学。康奈尔大学最初以农工学院为特色而起家,其酒店管理学院、工业与劳工关系为全美首创。其传统优势专业包括农业、兽医、工科、劳工关系、文理、经济、建筑、教育、商科、传媒以及酒店管理等。


When I was ten years old, I met Vince Lombardi. I saw him at the post office. He was sitting quietly with George Marshall and Humphrey Bogart. Vince cast a triumphant smile in my direction. His excitement was so contagious that I could not help smiling with him. Mr. Marshall, however, seemed to stare right through me. His solemn gaze conveyed little more than that he had very important things on his mind. Then I looked to Humphrey Bogart, who, with a suave movement, simply cocked his head to one side, and sat there, just looking good. The three men seemed nice enough, so I took them home with me. Yes, they had all been dead for many years, but I didn't really mind. In my room, armed with a pair of tongs, I gingerly slid each of them into the slots of homemade album pages, next to stamps of bright blue jays, waving flags, bursting flowers, a crooning Elvis Presley, and scores of others, which I had acquired over the past two years.

Philately caught my attention very early in my life. My grandfather hooked me with a stamp from the 1960s that commemorated the sesquicentennial of the Erie Canal. I was drawn to the small colorful pictures like a crow is drawn to shiny objects. I started saving every stamp that I could find. The hobby quickly developed into more than a haphazard accumulation of pretty paper labels. A closer examination of each stamp revealed new cultures, new languages, new people, new geography; new worlds, each competing to quench my inherent thirst for knowledge, steering my imagination to new heights.

As a group, stamp collectors have been categorically branded as wealthy, reclusive, boring, moldy old men. However, I've been an avid philatelist since age eight, and, as a seventeen-year-old in high school, I don't fit the stereotype very well. It is true that few young people collect stamps. Though I know some exist I've never met another stamp collector my age. More often than not, my peers express disapproval for the hobby. In fact, when I told a friend that this essay would be about stamp collecting, he laughed and said, "Man, you're going to have a tough time making that sound cool." I pointed to a pile of trading cards on his desk and replied, "Hey, at least I don't collect Magic cards" (Magic is a fantasy card game similar to the Pokemon game that swept the country a few years ago). I understand how some could perceive the slow, tedious processes associated with stamp collecting, like sorting, classification, grading, and organization, as exercises in monotonous futility. I, for one, not only welcome the procedural structure of these processes, but also embrace the rare opportunity for uninterrupted solitude that accompanies them, using it to develop my patience and allow my imagination to lead me through exciting childhood realms of exploration and adventure—winning Super Bowls, rebuilding post-war Europe, making films—which are markedly absent from the high school experience.

I don't think I will ever be able to make philately "sound cool," but at the same time, I don't feel like I need to. It's not about being "cool." I'm a philatelist, because stamp collecting gives me pleasure and peace of mind.



邮票上印的人物、事件、物体等等内容,在申请人细致的描述下变得栩栩如生,对于每一个主题,申请人都能够说出其一二三,这一方面体现了申请人仔细的观察,另一方面也展示出他宽广的知识面。集邮这样看似简单、枯燥的事情,在申请人的笔下变成了一种发自内心的热爱和享受。他沉静、安稳地享受着集邮的过程,无论是分类、评级、排列还是其它类型的整理,都能够给予他无线的乐趣。他坚持着自己的喜好,没有随波逐流,并且敢于捍卫自己的选择,凸显了申请人的坦然和勇气。或许他不是主流意义上的“cool kid”,但是他却是那么一个有着自己的讲解和认识的孩子。有多少孩子可以十多年坚持不懈的做这样一件平淡的事情,并且沉浸于其中呢?







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