
2017年06月13日 美国驻华大使馆



本次活动将用中文进行, 现场不提供翻译。


EducationUSA 邀请您参加我们的2017年6月美国留学主题家长茶话会!






June 16, 2017 (Friday),EducationUSA Parents Chat Group


The event will be conducted inChinese. No interpretation provided.


You are invited to join ourParents Chat Group in June 2017! For parents who are interested in sending yourkids to study in the United States, let us hear your voice. For the questions andconcerns you may have, we will discuss together. You will meet many differentfamilies who are planning to send kids to the same continent. It's time toshare your stories to all and we will try to search the answers together!


Tea's ready.

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