
2017年11月01日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


宣讲结束后,有意向的同学们填好职务申请表格,并在次日早上递交给学生会负责老师Bree。在未来的一周内,本着公平公正的原则,各部门分别在会议室进行面试,并由Bree老师、学生会主席Kylin、相对应的副主席和部长担任评委来面试打分。期间,由秘书部部长Taylor做记录。每个候选人逐一进入会议室进行自我介绍,并阐述职务愿景和职务认知。演讲结束后接受各评委的提问。提问的目的有二: 一是给学生机会展现自我思辨能力和解决问题的能力, 二是考验学生的心理素质。最后,在全体教师的综合评估讨论后,27位学生凭借自己的实力和人格魅力脱颖而出。同日,入选人员名单以海报形式在国际部二楼走廊墙上公示。


On October 16, 2017, international division of the Changchun Experimental High School carried out the recruitment of student union. In order to help students understand the duties of students' union, every minister gave a speech to introduce the department and requirements. The recruitment opens to G11 and G10 students. The student union mainly composes of president team and seven departments. The departments are information technology department,secretary department,social practice department,study department,discipline inspection department,advertising publicity department,sports and entertainment department. After listening to the lecture, students who were interested in the departments handed in application in the following morning to teacher Bree. During the three days, with a fair and justify principle, every department made an interview in the meeting room. In this time period, the minister of secretariat Taylor record the marks. Every candidate will go into the room to introduce themself and describe their working aims. After all the candidates finished their speech, judges will give some questions to them. The questions have two purpose that one is giving a chance to students to show their personal abilities, another is testing candidates’ psychological quality. Finally, after teacher’s assessment, there are 27 students who successfully joined us. After that, the name list of the new student council is published on the wall in the corridor of the second floors.

Currently, the number of member of student council has already reached 40 after this recruitment. Depending on the positive participation of students that we achieved this kind of perfect result. In the future, every department will coordinate with each other and organize campus activities that will enrich the extracurricular life of students, which inherit the spirit of student union.









撰稿:Astird  翻译:Coco Hector


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