听力扩展知识 - 水处理

2015年01月20日 剑桥考试语言辅导


Section 1. (填空)
ropes (使用绳子))
equipment (记住:p后面没有e,动词变分词时需双写:equipped, equipping)
safety (不少人会省略e,再:create, 但deposit除外)
guidance (-an很容易与-en想混)
forest (不要double ‘r')
navigation (导航,再学个’导航员-navigator,不是er )
lunch (提供午餐)
20% (总额20%的订金)
shoes (自备鞋子,发音有别)
Arkwright (-ght中gh常不发音,注意字母'h'与字母 ‘a'读音混淆)

Section 2. (选择+配对)
11. handling data
12. willing to work hard/late
13. personal statement
14. 下学期课程需要 ?
15. new language ?

一个拓展人际network 配 business contacts
一个西班牙语的 配 learn new language

Section 3.(选择+配对)
plants (已有本国最多植物种类

Section 4. (填空+一道选择)

dams (前边似乎还有个单词,没听清…… 地上水:河、湖+大坝
sea (海水淡化=脱盐desalination阅读曾出现过该词,澳洲
domestic (家用,对应农业agriculture和工业industry)
paper making (工业用的两个例子)
food processing
waste disposal (废水处理)

What is our total water resource?

Australian water resources are highly variable, both spatially and temporally. Managing competing water demands against the variable supply becomes more difficult, and the need for precision in management arises, as more of the resource is relied on for extraction and use.

Key findings


  • In 2004–05, rainfall for Australia was 2,789,400 gigalitres, which was substantially below average for most of the country (except in south-west Western Australia and northern New South Wales).

  • The 2004–05 year was preceded by more than five years of below-average rainfall across large parts of Australia, particularly the eastern states and south-west Western Australia.

  • On average, 90 per cent of rainfall is directly evaporated back to the atmosphere or used by plants—only 10 per cent runs off to rivers and streams or recharges groundwater aquifers.

Runoff and recharge

  • 2004–05 total water runoff was estimated at 242,800 gigalitres and total groundwater recharge estimated at 49,200 gigalitres giving a total inflow to Australia’s water resources of 292,000 gigalitres.

  • Total water resource in 2004-05 was approximately 20 per cent less than that estimated for 1996-97(NLWRA 2001). This decline is likely to be due to drier conditions in 2004-05 and double counting of surface water and groundwater resources in 1996-97.

Distribution of water resources

  • Of the total runoff (242,800 gigalitres), more than 60 per cent occurred in Australia’s three northern drainage divisions. Runoff was greatest in the Gulf of Carpentaria drainage division (62,060 gigalitres), the Timor Sea drainage division (50,240 gigalitres) and the North-East Coast drainage division (40,210 gigalitres).

  • While over 60 per cent of runoff occurred in northern Australia, only 6 per cent of Australia’s runoff was in the Murray-Darling Basin, which accounted for 50 per cent of Australia’s water use occurs.

Dam storage levels

  • Australia’s total large dam storage capacity was 83,853 gigalitres, with 44,164 gigalitres in storage at 1 July 2004. This is declined by 10 per cent to 39,959 gigalitres at June 2005.

  • The greatest declines in large dam storage levels between 2002 and 2005, in percentage terms, occurred in New South Wales (33 per cent) and Victoria (22 per cent), with an overall decline of 18 per cent occurring across Australia.

  • June 2005 large dams with the highest storage levels were Western Australia (at 83 per cent capacity) and Northern Territory (at 70 per cent capacity). The states with lowest levels were New South Wales (at 33 per cent capacity) and Victoria (at 39 per cent capacity).

Alternative water sources

With traditional water resources being depleted, Australian governments and water companies are looking to alternative water sources to meet demand. These alternatives include: seawater, saline groundwater, urban stormwater, and wastewater (e.g. treated sewage effluent).

Seawater desalination

The majority of distributed water in 2004-05 came from surface water resources. Western Australia is the only state which sources a significant proportion of it distributed water supply from groundwater sources. The figure also shows the volume of distributed water sourced from desalination, which in 2004-05 is negligible. However, this is likely to change in the near future with a large seawater desalination plant completed in Perth in 2006, and several other large desalination plants being built or considered in other states.

Climate independent desalination - The way forward

As Western Australia is increasingly gripped by a drying climate, we have moved quickly to review our reliance on traditional water sources such as dams, and bring on new sources that are independent of rainfall, which has been declining for some years.

Across the state, we now have two large-scale reverse osmosis seawater desalination plants that provide fresh drinking water into the Integrated Water Supply Scheme that services over 1.7 million customers.

西澳用水分布饼图: C

filter (过滤器)
chemicals (再加入化学制剂,该词有形容词和名词双性)
tested (最后每天测试水质)

scan to interact.

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