How can you respond to this question? qualities of a sportsman

2015年03月24日 剑桥考试语言辅导

最近的口语问到:What qualities should sportsmen have? 我想没有做过运动员的考生是不太知道去回答这个提问的?记得以前也考过类似的职业素质,如图书管理员的,救生员的。小编的意思:口语如果是去撞运气,那就大有可能被撞回起跑线去,别人都达标了,升级了,而你依然如故。

We all know that sports play an important role in our life. But to become a true sportsman, one should possess the quality of head and heart.

One of the most important qualities of a sportsman is sportsmanship. Sportsmanship means the true spirit of taking part in sports. A sportsman should never use unfair means for personal gain. Under no circumstances should he or she ask for concession or favours from others. He should always be fair and above all should take delight in close competition.

A true sportsman possesses great morals and courage. He accepts defeat without losing equilibrium of mind. He congratulates his opponents on their victory and learns from his defeat. He takes loss without any complaints and celebrates his victory without gloating. He respects other players and abides by the rules of the game. He displays ethical behavior by being disciplined and by helping others.

Another important quality of a true sportsman is team work. It is necessary to play as a team if we want to become successful. As it is said, united we stand and divided we fall.

A sportsman should also possess many other qualities such as agility, courage, confidence, simplicity, stamina, self esteem, determination, self-control,presence of mind, enthusiasm, team spirit etc. A sportsman should also be optimistic. One should also be fit and healthy. for this he/she has to have a proper diet and also should practice his/her sport daily. As it is said that practice makes a man perfect.

Human's life itself is a game of struggle. In our life too, we should possess the qualities of a true sportsman because living also requires. Sportsmanship and sportsman spirit. (Source:

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