IPA AU主席及全球执行总裁新年致辞

2013年12月30日 IPAA

It’s been a big year for the IPA and members. Bring on 2014, says President Jason Parker and CEO Andrew Conway.

2013对于协会及会员来说,是精彩纷呈的一年,我们即将迎来生机勃勃的2014,IPA AU主席杰森·帕克与全球执行总裁安德鲁·康威在新年致辞中如是说。

For those of you who were able to attend our inaugural National Congress in November on the Gold Coast, we are sure that you will agree it was an event not to be missed. For those who could not attend, we would certainly encourage you to consider next year’s National Congress in the picturesque Hunter Valley.


We were very fortunate to have the Federal Minister for Small Business, the Hon Bruce Billson MP, to officially open our 2013 conference. The program over the following few days was full of some of the most informative sessions experienced in a long time, starting with the keynote address from the president of the international federation of accountants, warren Allen.


The various presentations and panel sessions sparked robust discussion over the future of the accounting profession and future emphasized that the profession is indeed entering a dynamic and exciting period.


The emerging financial services sector under Future of Financial Advice (FoFA) legislation, technological advances including Standard Business Reporting and could based accounting and the ongoing taxation and superannuation reforms have set the scene for a challenging future, and one that provides members with plenty of diverse pathways to grow their business.


We wish to thank all for our members and presenters who attended the Congress, along with our sponsors and exhibitors, whose support was instrumental in marking the event such a resounding success. We are convinced this momentum will carry through to an even more unforgettable National Congress in 2014. Interest has already commenced for next year’s Congress, to be held at the Crowne Plaza in the Hunter Valley, in New South Wales.

在此我们感谢所有参加专业执业论坛(会员大会)的IPA AU会员和发言人,以及我们的赞助商和参展商,正因他们的支持铸就大会的圆满成功。我们相信这一势头将会延续至2014年,一个更加难忘的大会盛况。明年的会员大会将在澳大利亚新南威尔士州享有美誉的猎人谷皇冠假日酒店举行。

In other news, the institute’s Board has determined that the IPA will implement Pronouncement 11 in place of the APES 230 Financial Planning Services standard issued by the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board. In doing so, we believe we are providing certainly for our members and empowering them to continue to provide highly professional and ethical standards aligned with FoFA legislation, while providing the public with access to affordable financial advice.

此外,IPA AU董事会决定采用本协会“自我声明11:提供财务咨询服务”,以代替澳大利亚会计职业与道德准则理事会(APESB)发布的澳大利亚会计职业与道德准则第230条(APES 230)准则:财务策划服务准则。为此,我们相信协会为会员寻求并提供确定性的同时,也确保了其能够继续为客户提供符合“未来财务规划(FoFA)”立法要求的专业道德标准及高质量、经济可行的咨询服务。

With the last day for the 2013 calendar year, we would like to wish all of our members and readers a very safe and enjoyable festive season, and we look forward to what looks to be a challenging and prosperous year ahead.


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