
2014年12月12日 剑桥考试语言辅导


Task 1

The bar chart above shows the growth of urban population in certain parts of the world in 1950 and 2000, as well as the projection in 2030.

Summarize the information by selecting main features and make comparison where relevant.

Task 2.

Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve the poverty, so rich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Key words: giving aids, poor countries, negative/positive effects


Example Answer:

According to the figure released by UNICEF, 1 billion children of the world live on less than $2.5 a day. Presumably, they are mainly from the developing countries which have been supported financially by industrialized nations. I am not criticizing for their ineffective assistance, but the issue of poverty is really complicated. As we know, there are a wide range of contributors resulting in financial predicament, objective and subjective ones, including disasters, wars, manipulation and officials’ corruption. We should also review and scrutinize the root causes. Therefore, I advocate for multiple solutions in a bid to thoroughly alleviate the plight, while remaining the financial means.

Traumatized by the aftermaths, the people may temporarily be relieved by the financial aid. Tents, clothes, food and drink undoubtedly help them transit from disaster. However, as a Chinese saying implies, teaching to fish is far more significant than simply giving fish. Economic support should be integrated with projects which can establish foundation of sustainable economy of developing countries. For instance, developing agriculture can eliminate famine, while constructing essential health facilities allows an increase in human capital.

Alternatively, the governments of these countries should be committed to fighting for corruption to ensure democratic and efficient governance. Unequivocally corruption can jeopardize everything, at least reversing the process of modernization of those impoverished countries. The authorities are also supposed to deregulate any constraints against economy. They should hence exercise open policies. A typical case lies in the staggering rate of economic growth in China. President Deng and his cabinet opened the poverty-laden country and implemented various reforms. Within three decades, the country had turned out to be successful in poverty alleviation.

Additionally, education should not be underestimated when supporting the developing world. The donor countries can expatriate teams of teachers and professors to help establish schools, polytechnics and universities. Programs focusing on literacy and numeracy are recommended amongst the illiterate. Apprenticeship can indeed prepare the youth some trade skills, while agriculture technique can help prosper in the yield of produce and livestock.

Overall, monotonous practice leads to failure in sustaining the development in the underdeveloped countries. In my belief, a compound of measures of reducing poverty should be adopted to attain a comprehensive boost in future.

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