留学新西兰的中学生演讲稿:What is friendship?

2018年06月01日 新西兰游学

Elaine Zhang,2006年生于上海,2014年末随父母移居新西兰,就读于奥克兰某著名女子私立学校。兴趣广泛,涉猎英式马术、绘画、围棋、国际象棋、钢琴、表演、水球、滑雪、风帆、水球、OW潜水等等,并多次在各个领域获奖。



Have you ever lied to your friends? 

Or have you betrayed your friends. Or even bullied them? 

I think that nobody here want’s to be the one being lied to, right?

If you don’t want to be bullied or lied to, then why do it yourself? If everyone just keeping on doing it, do you think that the world would be peaceful as we think it should be? Even though we are only children, we can’t really do anything big.

But we can at least be honest, be helpful and finally be kind. Small people can achieve things big as well; and we have friends to help us as well! Anyone can do anything if they have the will to do it, no matter how old or how small. Have you ever said to yourself, why am I even here? Why am I friends with them? What is the thing that brings everyone together? Well maybe it’s the college, maybe it’s everyone else,or it might be some magic that tells you to talk to that person.

Can you imagine, a sky without stars? Can you imagine, a story without an end? They are different, but they go together. It’s like us, we have different personalities, but we go together as well. If you want to have friends, you’ll first have to be kind, if you want to be kind, you will have to be honest, if you want to be honest you will have to start with trusting yourself and others.

What do you think about the words trusting? Think deeply about that word.Do you think that it’s hard? Well, Yes, start by being kind to everyone; just by a little greeting like HI, could make another person’s day.

Talking about friends, do you know what friendship really is? Most of people think that friendship is only happiness and joy, BUT IT’S NOT, If you do really have a true friend, they would help you when ever you are in need, they share the same feeling with you, and would encourage you and care.

And the most important thing is that you can achieve things with your friends that you can’t achieve on your own. But when you have friends, you have to also be yourself, don’t change yourself for others, if they don’t like you, well maybe you two just don’t fit together. After hearing all of that, you might be wondering, if I want friends, what if I’m even scared to talk out loud?

The truth is, you don’t have to be brave to have friends. It’s easy to make friends. First, you’ll have to find someone that you want to be friends with, then, you just greet them with a smile and say, can I play with you guys? And hope they say sure. Now, you have someone to stick with at lunch!

How to be kind you ask?Kindness is not something you make, it’s something you have to decide on your own, you could decide who you want to be, and when you make that decision, you have to think of what will happen if you act like that.

In my opinion, everyone should have a close friend or two, you don’t have to be best friends with everyone, cause that would be very hard, especially to understand everyone.

 Now after my speech, enjoy your time with your friends and go and say hi to someone and have fun!







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