Special thanks to parents for the Children’s Day | 感谢你为我们带来的别样六一

2018年06月05日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Just another special thank you to our parents for the Children’s Day on Friday. The students had an amazing afternoon. I have never seen so many happy smiles and so much laughter from our students. I don’t know who had more fun students, teachers or parents!   Thank you to the parents and the CISH Parent Support committee for putting so much time into getting this major production ready. This would have taken hours and hours of organizational time.  A very huge thank you to parents Nicole Hua, Fiona Huang, Yvonne He, Tina Chen, Jack Viljoen, Claire Kim and Donavan Van Vuuren and all parent volunteers. for the many, many hours they put into this very memorable function. 


感谢所有家长和CISH的家长委员为此次活动所做的准备。圆满六一的背后一定是一个又一个小时的精细组织与策划。再次感谢 Nicole Hsu ,  Fiona Huang,  Yvonne He, Tina Chen, Jack Viljoen, Claire Kim 和 Donavan  Van Vuuren和所有的家长志愿者,感谢他们给我们留下的令人难忘的每一瞬间。

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