
2014年10月10日 Rita澳洲生活报告



Gifting Occasions, as perceived by Australians, from most to least important.

1. Birthdays
2. Christmas
3. Weddings
4. Mother’s Day
5. Wedding Anniversaries
6. Passing Exams
7. Father’s Day
8. Engagements
9. Easter
10. Valentine’s Day

Wow. Exams at 6, dads at 7. Well,Great. Really great! So we dads are less important than a bunch of school books.

Occasion n.机会,场合
Perceive v.意识到,感知到。 比如He perceives some difference here. 他觉得这儿有点什么不一样了
Anniversary n.周年纪念日
Engagement n.订婚,约定
Easter n.复活节
Valentine’s Day 情人节
Bunch n.一束,一捆儿 v.聚成一束

1.生日 2.圣诞节 3.婚礼 4.母亲节 5.结婚纪念日 6.通过考试了. 7.父亲节 8.订婚 9.复活节 10.情人节

WoW~ 考试排第六,爸爸排第七。 好,很好,真TM的好~! 所以我们这些爸爸还没学校里一捆儿书重要咯。


How about this one, forty-four per cent of Australians will spend less on dad than they did mum on Mum’s Day. Why the discrimination? Need we remind you people that it takes two to horizontally tango?

Here’s another truly shocking one. A whopping 12 per cent of people admit they won’t even bother to buy dad a gift on Father’s Day. Did you read that? Our entire pay packet vanishes on Mr.Whippy and trips to the indoor climbing gym. And what do we get in return? A big fat fresh air sandwich.

Discrimination n.歧视
Horizontally adv.横向上的,水平的
Tango n.探戈
Shocking adv.令人震惊的 (shock 震动)
Whopping adj.庞大的
Admit v. 承认
Bother v.操心,麻烦
Entire adj.整个的
Packet n. 一大笔钱
Vanish v.消失,突然不见
Whippy n.一个牌子,请看下图便知
Climb v.攀登,爬上
Gym n.健身房


为什么有这种歧视~!? 需要我们提醒你,那(生孩子)是需要两个人一起来一段儿躺着的探戈吗?


你读到这条了吗?我全部的大笔收入就在你的蛋卷儿冰淇淋和你要去市内攀岩馆上蒸发了。然后我得到什么回报呢? 一个巨硕的空.气.三.明.治!


See, what you people need to remember is how important dads are. Try to imagine a dad free world for a moment. What would this hellish place be like?

There would be nobody to dress kids inside out so the world can see their tags. Because tags are awesome. Yeah!

Without dads, there would be absolutely nobody to get you lost on family trips because they were too proud to take directions or use one of those fancy GPS things.

Without dads, there would be no one to do silly stuff like this
Dad free 没有爸爸的。 Sth. Free就是没有sth.的
Hellish adj. hell是地狱,所以这个是‘地狱般的’
Tag n.标签
Take direction 接受指导

看~ 你们这些银儿啊~ 得记住的是爸爸有多重要。试着想象一下一个没有爸爸的世界。这会是怎样一个地狱般的地儿啊?

这儿就没人把孩子衣服给穿反,让全世界都看见孩子们的衣服标签了。标签最酷了~ 耶~



So Australia, lash out on Sunday, You don’t have to buy something expensive or put hours of work into a card.

You just need to make enough of an effort to say “hey dad, in the modern world, you somehow manage to hold down a job, do something approaching your share of housework, make excellent schnitzel, and most importantly spend more time with your kids than your own father ever did”.

That deserves a little something, don’t you think?

Lash out 大手笔花钱,大量给予(某物)

effort n.努力,工作,尝试

Manage to 达成,设法完成
Hold down 把…固定,压制住
Approach v.接近,着手处理
Schinitzel ['ʃnɪtsəl] n.炸肉排.
Deserve v.应得,值得





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