How to get to Zen China Restaurant from the London Eye:Walk 100 meters from London Eye towards Westminster Bridge(Big Ben) direction on the same river walk.  On the right handside of the new LondonDungeon entrance (see picture below) there's a little staircase to go up(under an Ozu ca...
2014跨年夜烟花太美了!拿来和大家分享一下!没有赶上跨年夜的朋友们不要气馁,我们1月30日有中国春节除夕年夜饭活动哦!原价£48一位,现在提早预订的朋友只要£32一位哦!快来电话订台吧:0207 261 1196.关注我们的微博和微信,第一时间得知我们的最新活动!@伦敦中国禅饭店...
How to get to Zen China Restaurant from the London Eye:Walk 100 meters from London Eye towards Westminster Bridge(Big Ben) direction on the same river walk.  On the right handside of the new LondonDungeon entrance (see picture below) there's a little staircase to go up(under an Ozu ca...
上周的吃爽大军活动-> 麻辣蟹 本周全!部!半!价!太收欢迎了!我们豁出去了,整个12月麻辣蟹继续全!部!半!价!绝对叫你吃爽!@伦敦中国禅饭店,我们还有特色菜:北京烤鸭、麻辣小龙虾、麻辣香锅,东北菜、京菜、川菜!赶快转发去朋友圈,约上你的吃爽大军啊! 看看朋友们的...
How to get to Zen China Restaurant from the London Eye:Walk 100 meters from London Eye towards Westminster Bridge(Big Ben) direction on the same river walk. On the right handside of the new LondonDungeon entrance (see picture below) there's a little staircase to go up(under an Ozu can...
1+1=11!我们认为这周应该是最有感觉的新情人节!如果你喜欢着TA很久或刚刚被TA的回眸一笑所吸引,不要错过这个大好的机会哦!为了帮助所有的有情人能终成眷属,中国禅饭店提供大优惠给你们- 25% Off All Food 哦(11月11号到17号截止)!在我们烂漫,风景如画的餐厅再加上美食...
How to get to Zen China Restaurant from the London Eye:Walk 100 meters from London Eye towards Westminster Bridge(Big Ben) direction on the same river walk.  On the right handside of the new LondonDungeon entrance (see picture below) there's a little staircase to go up(under an Ozu ca...
中秋佳节倍思亲!不如来中国禅饭店和小伙伴们,佳人朋友们一起享受一下伦敦泰晤士河畔的美景,品尝一下可口味美的美食(如:北京挂炉烤鸭、麻辣小龙虾等),再聆听下我们中华美女演奏的传统音乐!那就快点拿起电话预定一个难忘的中秋节吧!预定电话:0207 261 1196  或  0207 2...
How to get to Zen China Restaurant from the London Eye:Walk 100 meters from London Eye towards Westminster Bridge(Big Ben) direction on the same river walk.  On the right handside of the new LondonDungeon entrance (see picture below) there's a little staircase to go up(under an Ozu ca...
世界上最辣的辣椒Bhut Jolokia 爆炒上英国最新鲜的小龙虾,你想象过么?之前有朋友反应我们的小龙虾辣的不够爽,好吧,现在成全你们!专门给你们找来了最辣级别的家伙,敢来参加我们的挑战赛么?世界上最辣的辣椒GhostPepper (Bhut Jolokia) 制作的麻辣小龙虾.转发此消息到你的朋...