位于Brighton,1501 Commonwealth Ave的在建高级公寓开始预售,项目将于今年8月交付.离波士顿大学和波士顿学院都很近.楼下是绿线地铁站.1卧起价41万美元,2卧起价$51万美元.包含地下车库,图书馆,健身房,室外平台.共55席,还有为数不多的penthouse户型选择,是整个Bright...
文化之都波士顿 留学生活新算盘 波士顿是马萨诸塞州的首府和最大城市,新英格兰地区的历史文化在这里展露无遗.想要体验最正统、最菁英的美国政治与学术,波士顿堪称首选,但这里的高生活消费也有目共睹.近日,教育投资网“investopedia”帮有意来波士顿读书的学生打了一番算盘...
云瑞房产招实习生了!这是你了解房地产行业各方面运作的好机会,从房产投资到财务管理,从市场营销到税务处理,机会丰富. 欢迎中英文流利,好学敬业的成员加入!Comprehensive internship program that provides an exploration of all areas of operations within a small business. Concentr...
In today's market, real estate assets have an important role in the diversification of your investment portfolio. There are many ways to evaluate a real-estate investment and different methods to get into the market. Hear from two real estate professionals share their expertise on how to invest in real est...
In today's market, real estate assets have an important role in the diversification of your investment portfolio. There are many ways to evaluate a real-estate investment and different methods to get into the market. Hear from two real estate professionals share their expertise on how to invest in real est...
In today's market, real estate assets have an important role in the diversification of your investment portfolio. There are many ways to evaluate a real-estate investment and different methods to get into the market. Hear from two real estate professionals share their expertise on how to invest in real est...
春节来波士顿看房! 五星级一站式房产投资双日游来了波士顿您还在观光游?名校游?Out啦!Nuage云瑞房产重磅推出大波士顿地区房产游!我们将带您深入各大热门社区,观社区风貌,品社区文化,比社区房产!专业房产顾问全程陪同讲解,无论是学区,医疗,安全,还是投资回报率,只...
Malden投资房产推荐,2 family units up/down, 6 bed,2 bath,listing price $499,000. 现租金为$3,100.(参见下图)投资收益率超过6%.有意者请联系Sarah了解详情微信:mslovetoeat邮箱:[email protected]有意者请联系Sarah了解详情微信:mslovetoeat邮箱:[email protected]
你家房檐上有冰凌吗?快看看你家屋顶是不是被冰封了吧!住在New England地区的小伙伴,在最近的雪暴影响下,家家户户的房檐上都挂上了不少冰凌,这说明你家的屋顶形成了冰封(Ice Dams).冰封可以对房屋造成严重的损害,屋顶上的雪白天被阳光晒化了以后,晚上又结成冰,使冰越...
【出租】$2000 全新装修一厅一卧Cambridge. 所有电器都是新买.室内明亮,大窗户.房屋内带有洗衣机.高级公寓有游泳池,健身房,旁边有超市餐厅.步行到Kendall square, Lechmere.有兴趣请加微信Christie_Xie或者发邮件到[email protected]