
2019年02月12日 美国驻华大使馆

40年前,伊朗是中东(Middle East)最先进繁荣的国家之一。然而,由于革命政权的管理混乱和腐败,伊朗失去了良好的机会,现在已经跟不上世界其他国家的脚步。


(State Dept.)


据世界银行(World Bank data)的资料,如今,韩国的国内生产总值是伊朗的三倍以上。土耳其的国内生产总值约为伊朗的两倍,尽管伊朗是全世界自然资源储量最丰富的国家之一,特别是石油。

State Dept.)

美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)指出,“该政权以意识形态凌驾于伊朗人民福祉之上的决策使伊朗陷入长期的经济混乱。”


Forty years ago, Iran was one of the most advanced and prosperous countries in the Middle East. But due to the mismanagement and corruption of the revolutionary regime, Iran missed its chance to keep pace with the rest of the world.

The size of Iran’s population in 1978 was on par with Turkey and South Korea.

(State Dept.)

Also similar: the total value of goods and services that all three countries produced in a year, known as gross domestic product (GDP).

Today, while the populations of all three countries have increased dramatically, South Korea’s GDP is three times larger than Iran’s, while Turkey’s GDP is roughly double Iran’s, according to World Bank data. This despite the fact that Iran has one of the world’s largest reserves of natural resources, notably oil.

(State Dept.)

“The regime’s decision to prioritize an ideological agenda over the welfare of the Iranian people has put Iran into a long-term economic tailspin,” said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“It’s America’s hope that the next 40 years of Iran’s history will not be marked by repression and fear — but with freedom and fulfillment — for the Iranian people,” he said.

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