Fight-or-flight response, 一篇最近大家都遇到的SST(附音频)

2019年01月18日 7PLUS英语

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根据目前考生所反映的情况,听力和写作仍然是目前PTE考试的难关。而其中对这两者影响极大的考题则是SST最近不仅题目上有所更新,难度上也有所加大。为了同学们能够在考试的时候更有信心,我们为同学们预备好材料,在课下多多练习。那么今天我们就继续来带领大家来研究和分析这篇新鲜出炉的考题Fight-or-flight Response



To understand the Fight or Flight response it helps to think about the role of emotions in our lives. Many of us would prefer to focus on our logical,thinking nature and ignore our sometimes troublesome emotions, but emotions have a purpose.


Our most basic emotions like fear, anger or disgust are vital messengers: they evolved as signals to help us meet our basic needs for self-preservation and safety. It would be dangerous to be indecisive about a threat to our survival so the brain runs information from our senses through the most primitive,reactive parts of our brain first. These areas of the brain control instinctive responses and they don’t do too much thinking. This more primitive part of our brain communicates with the rest of our brain and our body to create signals we can’t ignore easily: powerful emotions and symptoms.


这一篇其实乍一听录音并不觉得很难:第一,语速不快;第二,时间不长。但是这道题目有个跟大家不太熟的短语:fight or flight response。什么意思呢?根据字典上的解释,这个短语的意思是战斗或逃跑反应,是一个心理生理学名词。基本上是在说,机体经一系列的神经和腺体反应将被引发应激,使躯体做好防御、挣扎或者逃跑的准备。但大家不要仅仅只围绕这个短语来写作,这篇的另一个重点是therole of emotions in our lives. 了解emotions才能更好的了解fight or flight response,要把这个关系体现在答案当中。这是前半段的内容。而后半段的内容主要包括一些对于basicemotions的定义和解释,以及解释了一些我们大脑与身体之间如何协调并产生反应的一些过程。四句话非常有逻辑的紧密地联系在了一起。具体解释请看下面的部分。



第一段的两句话最好都要出现在答案当中。首句就是fight or flight responsethe role of emotions的关系。第二句则是说,我们常常注重在逻辑思考,而忘记了我们一些引起麻烦的情绪。这句强调了emotions have a purpose



Although we focus on logical thinking nature and ignore emotions, the role of emotions helps us to understand Fight or Flight response because emotions have a purpose. Our most basic emotions are vital messengers and helps us meet our basic needs for self-preservation and safety. The primitive parts of braindon’t do too much thinking because we will be in danger if they are indecisive.

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