Role of Language Workshop | “语言的作用” 研讨会

2019年03月08日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Role of Language Workshop


Stephanie White

CISH PYP Grade 2 Homeroom Teacher


From Saturday, February 23rd to Monday, February 26th I had the opportunity to attend an IB workshop on the Role of Language for PYP. Jason Boon delivered an empowering conference that strengthened my knowledge and understanding of language at school and in the classroom. 

2月23日周六至2月26日周一,我有机会参加了“PYP中语言的作用”的IB研讨会。Jason Boon 在会议上所说的内容增强了我对语言在学校及课堂里的认知及理解。

We collaborated as colleagues at the workshop and concluded that language gives us meaning and connects us to knowledge, relationship, higher level thinking and deeper understanding. We need to remember, what students and teachers bring into the classroom (identity, values, beliefs, language map) shapes our learning and how we connect with language. It is important to know what we believe and value about language. We need to know students’ prior knowledge FIRST before we can build on new skills. Learning needs to be made visible and students need to be able to interact with the visuals. 


Language is a vehicle for learning and we learn by doing! I was taught how to plan language from a concept-based and balanced approached. We read expert articles that credited this method. There are many helpful books and resources out there that support this as well, such as, “Thriving to Striving Writers” by Stephanie Harvey and Annie Ward, “Thriving to Striving ‘How to Grow Capable Readers’ by Stephanie Harvey and Annie Ward and “Designing a Concept-Based Curriculum for English Language Arts” by Lois A. Lanning. We created a planning map using a Balanced Approach (“Learn Language, Learn Through Language, Learn About Language”). This will be very beneficial for our teachers and students. 

语言是学习的工具,实践出真知!我从中学习了如何用一个以概念为基础和平衡地方法来设计语言课程。我们阅读了认可这种方法的专业文章。还有很多有益的书籍及资源同样支持这种方法,例如,Stephanie Harvey 以及Annie Ward合著的“Thriving to Striving Writers”,“Thriving to Striving ‘How to Grow Capable Readers’”,以及Lois A. Lanning所著的“Designing a Concept-Based Curriculum for English Language Arts”。我们用平衡法设计了一副计划图(“学习语言,从语言中学习,学习关于语言的知识”)。这对我们老师和学生会非常有益。

From our students’ perspective, we learned that a language map and cultural map can help us support our students. How we start our day is so important for our students, so discuss what they are doing well. The more we understand about their language background the more we can impact their learning and have student success. Students need to be involved with making the images of reading skills, writing skills and learner profile images. These images must be the same throughout the school, all grade levels. Students need agency with book discussions: students can ask questions and discuss a story in a group setting with other students. A summarizing tool we learned to use is called PEEK: pictures, every heading, ending, know what. 


Lastly, we were given resources and information for school goals and language policy. Simon Sinek’s, “Why, How and What” model can help strengthen a school’s vision and provide a more successful environment for the students, staff and community. As well as, using a goals strategy called AIMS (Add, Improve, Maintain and Stop) to build and review the school Language Policy. 

最后,我们了解了一些有关学校目标和语言政策的资源及信息。Simon Sinek’s 提出的“为什么,怎么做以及做什么”模式可以帮助我们实现学校的愿景以及给学生,员工及社区提供更好的环境。同时,使用一个称作AIMS的目标策略(增加,提升,保持,停止)构建以及回顾学校语言策略。

The lessons, experience and collaboration I have gained during this workshop will help us develop a stronger literacy program at CISH.  


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