【19年1月新题】SWT真题Silent Movies深度解析

2019年01月03日 7PLUS英语

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以下是高频考题 Silent Movies 的分析,并附上高分参考答案。



The 1920's movie goers experience was largely dominated by silent movies but saw the introduction of synchronized sound.


In the 1920's movie stars were really stars- with huge salaries, the fashions and activities of the Hollywood greats echoed around the world and 100,000 people would gather in cities all over the world, including such diverse cities as London and Moscow, to greet Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks when they toured of Europe.


Early silent movies were often accompanied by live piano or organ music and provided enormous entertainment value to audiences captivated by the experience of watching moving pictures on the silver screen. Although the Y had been previous attempts to introduce sound, it wasn't until 1923 that a synchronized sound track was photographically recorded and printed on to the side of the strip of motion picture film and made it onto a commercially distributed movie. It would still be seven long years before taking pictures gained total supremacy and finally replaced the silent film era.


The first movie theatres were called Nickelodeons, and were very basic compared the luxurious picture palaces that followed but what an aura of excitement, of laughter, fun and tears surrounded them! Before the introduction of movie soundtracks, movies were often accompanied by scripted music from a piano.



The 1920's movie goers experience waslargely dominated by silent movies but saw the introduction of synchronizedsound.





In the 1920's movie stars were really stars- with huge salaries, the fashions and activities of the Hollywood greatsechoed around the world and 100,000 people would gather in cities all over theworld, including such diverse cities as London and Moscow, to greet MaryPickford and Douglas Fairbanks when they toured of Europe.


1920年的电影明星真的是明星 - 工资巨大,好莱坞巨星的时尚和活动在世界各地响起,10万人聚集在世界各地的城市,包括伦敦和莫斯科等不同城市,迎接玛丽皮克福德 和DouglasFairbanks一起巡游欧洲。



In the 1920's movie stars were really stars.





Early silent movies were often accompanied by live piano or organ music and provided enormous entertainment value to audiences captivated by the experience of watching moving pictures on the silver screen. Although they had been previous attempts to introduce sound, it wasn't until 1923 that a synchronized sound track was photographically recorded and printed on to the side of the strip of motion picture film and made it onto a commercially distributed movie. It would still be seven long years beforetaking pictures gained total supremacy and finally replaced the silent film era.


早期的无声电影通常伴有现场钢琴或管风琴音乐,并为观看者提供了巨大的娱乐价值,这些观众被观看银幕上的动态影像所吸引。 虽然之前曾试图引入声音,但直到1923年,同步声道才被照相记录并打印在电影胶片的一侧,并使其成为商业发行的电影。 在拍图片获得完全霸权之前,还需要七年的时间才能取代无声电影时代。



Early silent movies were often accompanied by live piano or organ music to provide entertainment to audiences, and although they had attempted to introduce sound, a synchronized sound track was recorded and printed after some years, and finally replaced the silent film era after taking pictures gained total supremacy.




The first movie theatres were called Nickelodeons, and were very basic compared the luxurious picture palaces that followed but what an aura of excitement, of laughter, fun and tears surrounded them! Before the introduction of movie soundtracks, movies were often accompanied by scripted music from a piano.





Although they are very basic, early sound movies which were often accompanied by scripted music from a piano provided excitement to people.



In 1920’s, when movie stars were really stars, movie goers experienced silent movies which were accompanied by live piano or organ music, but saw the introduction of synchronized sound which had been attempted but was recorded, printed and finally replaced the silent film era after taking pictures gained total supremacy; although they are very basic, early sound movies,accompanied by scripted music, provided excitement to people.


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