2月份更新真题回忆合集之听力篇 | 近期考试的同学请注意,PTE听力考题回忆来了!

2019年02月25日 悉尼PTEtutorTITAN





The separation of power

回忆要点:The separation of powers in the United States is divided into legislative, executive and judicial power by the Constitution. Legislative power: makes the law. Executive power: carries out law by the president. Judicial power: interprets the laws. Now they can clarify what they should do, but it used to be a blur.

Fight or Flight

原文:To understand the Fight or Flight response it helps to think about the role of emotions in our lives. Many of us would prefer to focus on our logical, thinking nature and ignore our sometimes troublesome emotions, but emotions have a purpose.

Our most basic emotions like fear, anger or disgust are vital messengers: they evolved as signals to help us meet our basic needs for self-preservation and safety. It would be dangerous to be indecisive about a threat to our survival, so the brain runs information from our senses through the most primitive, reactive parts of our brain first. These areas of the brain control instinctive responses and they don’t do too much thinking. This more primitive part of our brain communicates with the rest of our brain and our body to create signals we can’t ignore easily: powerful emotions and symptoms.

Body Fat Change

回忆要点:讲一个关于body fat change加拿大研究,讲的是一群肥胖的女人参加一个项目,通过节食和锻炼观察6个月后体脂变化。

Water resource


Two kinds of stress

回忆要点:Little stress happen under special environment when people taking exam or in competition. Necessary because it can help people to improve their behavior and consider it as a motivation. Another stress what we usually talk about is resulted from poor management. To release these stress, people can use schedule their play and work to keep a balance.


1.    Progressive enhancement is a design practice based on the idea that instead of designing for the least capable browser or mangling our code to make a site look the same in every browser, we should provide a core set of functionality and information to all users, and then progressively enhance the appearance and behavior of the site for users of more capable browsers. It’s a very productive development practice. Instead of spending hours working out how to add drop shadows to the borders of an element in every browser, we simply use the standards-based approach for browsers that support it and don’t even attempt to implement it in browsers that don’t. After all, the users of older and less capable browsers won’t know what they are missing. The biggest challenge to progressive enhancement is the belief among developers and clients that websites should look the same in every browser. As a developer, you can simplify your life and dedicate your time to more interesting challenges if you let go of this outdated notion and embrace progressive enhancement.

2.    For two decades, leading up to the millennium, global demand for food increased steadily, along with growth in the world’s population, record harvests, improvements in incomes, and the diversification of diets. As a result, food prices continued to decline through 2000. But beginning in 2004, prices for most grains began to rise. Although there was an increase in production, the increase in demand was greater.

3.    Egg-eating snakes are a small group of snakes whose diet consists only of eggs. Some eat only bird’s eggs, which they have to swallow whole, as the snake has no teeth. Instead, these snakes have spines that stick out from the backbone. The spines crack the egg open a sit passes through the throat.



回忆要点:需要拿national certificate records来面试。其它都是迷惑项。


回忆要点:讲情侣关系,前面说到date, buy rings, buy flowers,最后一句keep the relationship…..选 in the long run.有干扰项outside。 


原题:Earlier this year, I was driving through the countryside with a girl of 6, and she pointed out some flowers by the wayside. I asked her what she thought flowers were for. She gave a very thoughtful answer. “Two things,” she said, “to make the world pretty and to help the bees make honey for us.”I thought that this was a very nice answer and I was very sorry to have to tell her that this was…….

a. Not true

b.Not wrong

c.Not right

d.Not real


回忆要点:将我们应该回收塑料瓶环保,但除了塑料瓶子还有很多其它东西需要回收利用的,所以我们应该关注general issue rather than…..(particular one)


1.    We can't consider any increase in our price at this stage.

2.    A rising population means more stress are cut down.

3.    A lack of sleep can increase the chance of some illnesses.

4.    Checking the website if you are looking for discounting textbooks.

5.    The students were instructed to submit their assignments by Friday.

6.    Your application for research grant has been received.

7.    Native speakers are exempt from the language tests in their own language.

8.    University departments should carefully monitor articles and publications by faculty.

9.    Universities need to secure the grants for research subjects.

10.    Everyone must evacuate premises during the fire drill.

11.    The qualification will be assessed by using the criterion-referenced approach.

12.    The ways people communicate are constantly changing.

13.    Behind the garage, there is flat cart drawn by mules.

14.    Business policy seminar includes an internship.

15.    A celebrated theory is still a great source of controversy.

16.    The same issue featured both the explanations of the problem.

17.    The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.

18.    Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental concepts in economics.

19.    They have struggled since last year to make their services paid. 

20.    University departments should carefully monitor articles and publications by faculty.





留学生的噩梦 | 不想被遣返,这些事绝对不能干!



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