#美中40年# 历史上的今天

2019年01月19日 美国驻华大使馆

为了纪念#美中40年#,美国驻华大使馆将不定期发布 #历史上的今天#系列内容,以纪念美中关系过去40年来的重要里程碑。


美利坚合众国与中华人民共和国于1979年1月建立正式外交关系。这张照片记录了1979年1月1日,美国副总统沃尔特·蒙代尔(Walter Mondale)与中华人民共和国驻华盛顿联络处负责人柴泽民举杯纪念这一历史性的日子。有关科学与技术交流以及商业和工业合作的协议很快随之而来。另一张照片是1984年中国总理赵紫阳与美国总统罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)在白宫。


To mark #美中40年# the embassy will post an occasional series #历史上的今天#  to mark important milestones in the U.S.-China relationship over the past 40 years. In January 1979, the U.S. and China re-established official diplomatic relations. Pictured here: U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale and Chai Tse-Min, head of the Washington China Liaison Office office, here pictured giving a toast to mark that historic day on January 1, 1979. Agreements on exchanges in science and technology, and commercial and industrial cooperation soon followed. Also pictured: Premier Zhao Ziyang and President Ronald Reagan at the White House in 1984.

为了纪念#美中40年#,美国驻华大使馆将不定期发布 #历史上的今天#系列内容,以纪念美中关系过去40年来的重要里程碑。 一月初:2004年1月12日,美国能源部长斯潘塞·亚伯拉罕(Spencer Abraham)与中国科技部部长徐冠华一起在科技部位于北京的一栋建筑里出席典礼。亚伯拉罕部长此次访问中国是为了一栋节能建筑的竣工,这栋建筑是美中协作的结晶。1999年1月的后半段,美国国家交响乐团访问了中国,江泽民主席出席了在北京的开幕演出。美中教育交流与合作在两国关系中扮演了重要的角色。

To mark #美中40年# the embassy will post an occasional series #历史上的今天#  to mark important milestones in the U.S.-China relationship over the past 40 years. 

Early January: U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham joined Chinese Science and Technology Minister Xu Guanhua for a ceremony at a Science and Technology Ministry building in Beijing, January 12, 2004.  Abraham was in China for the opening of an energy efficient building that represented a collaboration between the United States and China. In the latter half of January 1999, the U.S. National Symphony Orchestra visited China, and President Jiang Zemin attended its opening performance in Beijing. U.S.-China educational exchanges and cooperation have played an important role in the U.S.-China relationship. 

为了纪念#美中40年#,美国驻华大使馆将不定期发布 #历史上的今天#系列内容,以纪念美中关系过去40年来的重要里程碑。

1998年1月19日,美国国防部长威廉·科恩(William Cohen)在钓鱼台的仪式上和中方对口官员迟浩田共同举杯。在此之前他们签署了一份协议,旨在正式建立起两国海军的海上沟通机制。仪式之后,科恩与迟浩田就一系列问题进行了对话,包括推动美中关系以及两军协作。

To mark #美中40年# the embassy will post an occasional series #历史上的今天#  to mark important milestones in the U.S.-China relationship over the past 40 years.  January 19, 1998: US Defense Secretary William Cohen toasts his Chinese counterpart Chi Haotian after they signed an agreement to formally establish a system for their navies to communicate at sea, at a ceremony in Diaoyutai,. Cohen and Chi held talks after the ceremony on a range of issues, including the promotion of Sino-US relations and coordination between the two armies. 

2007年1月20日,美国国务次卿凯伦·休斯(Karen Hughes)在北京市第二中学发表演讲,她身旁的照片上是已故的马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)。在北京二中,休斯与参加马丁·路德·金相关交流项目的中国学生和美国学生见了面。与休斯一起来到中国的还有花样滑冰世界冠军关颖珊(Michelle Kwan)。关颖珊在2006年被任命为美国公共外交特使,负责推动青年之间的跨文化对话。

Jan. 20, 2007: U.S. Undersecretary of State, Karen Hughes, speaks near a photo of late Martin Luther King at the Beijing No 2. Middle School where she met with Chinese and American students in an exchange program with a focus on Martin Luther King on.  Hughes was in China with World Skating Champion Michelle Kwan who was appointed as an American Public Diplomacy Envoy in 2006 to promote cross-cultural dialogue for youth.


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