
2020年01月12日 澳微帮



The brushfires raging in Australia have already killed an estimated one billion animals and might even cause some entire species to go extinct.


Those deaths will no doubt affect the Australian ecosystem long after firefighters extinguish the last blaze — but the rotting corpses of 15 tons of feral pigs in Oklahoma might help it bounce back from the devastation.


In the spring of 2019, researchers from Mississippi State University and the University of Florida set up an experiment to study the ecological consequences of a mass mortality event, which they’ve now detailed in an essay published by The Conversation.

2019年春季,密西西比州立大学(Mississippi State University)和佛罗里达大学(University Of Florida)的研究人员设立了一个实验,研究大规模死亡事件的生态后果,他们现在已经在“对话”(The Conversation)发表的一篇文章中详细阐述了这一点。

The researchers first collected data on the Oklahoman site of their outdoor experiment, sampling everything from its soil to its plant life.


They then sourced 15 tons of feral pigs from professional trappers and set the animals out to rot on the land.


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