
2019年03月18日 IPAA


据IPA全球执行总裁Andrew Conway称,该合作旨在加速企业向云端迁移,尤其旨在提升中小企业(SME)的生产力。 


由于IPA成员的深入反馈,该战略举措将推出IPA Books +,这是Reckon旗舰云计算解决方案Reckon One的白标签。Conway先生表示,超过36,000名IPA为中小企业提供服务的成员现在可以使用简单且价格合理的在线会计软件,使他们的业务运营自如。 



正如澳大利亚小企业和家庭企业监察专员在最近报告中所显示的那样,45%的小企业尚未采用在线会计解决方案。随着Single Touch Payroll(STP)的出现,现在是实行IPA Books +的时候了,这是一个独立、可靠、全面的解决方案。” 

Reckon执行官总裁Sam Allert表示,云计算合作伙伴关系是“首先为服务于这个行业,我们调整业务的战略重点并继续更好地支持澳大利亚的中小企业”。 

“其次通过采用Reckon One强大的技术及同领先的成员组织合作,我们提供包括培训、开发、活动和支持在内的独特强大技术的解决方案。 


Allert先生还表示,与所有Reckon产品一样,IPA Books +也可用于澳大利亚税务局的Single Touch Payroll报告要求。 


Reckon and IPA partner on ‘cloud’ accounting

AUSTRALIAN accounting software provider Reckon has joined forces with the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA), to launch a member first cloud accounting solution.

The partnership is aiming to accelerate businesses’ migration to the cloud and, in particular, boost small to medium sized enterprises (SME) productivity, according to IPA chief executive officer Andrew Conway.

Mr Conway said the first-of-its-kind industry partnership would empower to deliver a greater customer experience by leveraging the cloud to bolster productivity and fuel growth.

Launched as a result of in-depth feedback from IPA members, the strategic move will see the introduction of IPA Books+, a white labelled version of Reckon’s flagship cloud accounting solution Reckon One. Mr Conway said more than 36,000 members of IPA – who are mostly either servicing SMEs or small businesses in their own right – will now have access to simple and affordable online accounting software to make running their business easier.

 “Moving to the cloud is a key focus for many of our members and their clients over the coming year, as they look to tackle the next phase of business growth,” Mr Conway said.

“The partnership with Reckon is an exciting one. It will enable a myriad of benefits including remote working and the ability to access real-time business-critical data such as cash flow at anytime, anywhere.

“As recent reports from the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman has revealed, a staggering 45 percent of small businesses are yet to adopt online accounting solutions.  With the advent of Single Touch Payroll, the time has come for IPA Books+, a single, reliable, comprehensive solution,” Mr Conway said.

Reckon CEO Sam Allert said the he cloud accounting partnership was “an exciting industry first, as we align our business’ strategic priorities and continue to better support SMEs across Australia”.

“By taking the powerful technology of ReckonOne and partnering with a leading member focused organisation, we are delivering a unique solution that goes beyond technology to include training, development, events and support,” Mr Allert said.

“The transition to the cloud will enable IPA members to automate a great deal of administrative work. This frees them up to focus on higher value tasks such as advisory services, which will no doubt open new revenue streams and growth opportunities.”

Mr Allert said, as with all Reckon products, IPA Books+ was also enabled for the Australian Taxation Office’s Single Touch Payroll reporting requirement.

Mr Allert said with more than 600,000 small businesses with 19 or less employees looking to get compliant by July 1, 2019, this presented “a massive opportunity for both organisations”.



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