
2019年03月19日 美国驻华大使馆

蓬佩奥国务卿在谈及北朝鲜问题的挑战时表示:“这是一个长达数十年的挑战。但我们不仅有历史上最严厉的经济制裁,也有历史上最有希望的外交接触。 因此,三个星期前,当特朗普总统前往河内与金委员长会面时,我们在那里取得了更多一些进展。我们会重新与他接触。我们不仅要为美国和堪萨斯消除威胁,而且要为整个世界消除威胁,这是非常重要的。” 

2019年3月18日,堪萨斯,蓬佩奥国务卿接受B98 FM“卢卡斯和卡雷斯晨间节目”的采访

Secretary Pompeo on challenges on North Korea: “It’s been a decades-long challenge.  But we have the toughest economic sanctions in history, but the most promising diplomatic engagement in history as well.  And so we made a little bit more progress in Hanoi, now three weeks back, when President Trump traveled there to meet with Chairman Kim.  We’ll re-engage with him.  It’s incredibly important that we take down the threat not only for America and for Kansas, but for the entire world.” 

Secretary Pompeo’s interview with Lukas and Careth in the Morning, B98 FM, March 18, 2019, Kansas

Link: https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2019/03/290446.htm 



The lessons I learned as a Kansas entrepreneur are the same I use to deliver on America’s foreign policy goals. Work hard, think different, forge strong partnerships, and believe in the power of entrepreneurship to make positive change in the world. 

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