Martin Place Lindt Chocolat cafe遭打劫 50多名人质被劫持!!!

2014年12月15日 澳洲天时地产资讯


今天悉尼CBD Martin Place 的一家咖啡店发生劫持事件,现场已被封锁,大量人质被劫持,好可怕!!!大家别出门啦,别来city!! 更多详情请看新闻!

A siege is taking place at a cafe in Sydney's central business district.

Police are advising people to steer clear of the Lindt Chocolat cafe in Martin Place.

Customers and a worker's face are pressed up against a shop window inside the cafe. There are reports that up to a dozen people could be inside the cafe.

Martin Place has been shut down and scores of police are surrounding the building after the alarm was raised about 9.45am.

Streets around the area have been shut down and NSW Transport say trains have stopped running to Martin Place station.

Workers in nearby buildings, including the Seven Network, have been ordered to evacuate the area.

NSW government offices, including Premier Mike Baird's, are in the vicinity of the cafe.


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