【美食】英国最文艺的美食网站:伍尔芙的红酒炖牛肉,普拉斯的火焰冰淇淋-The Little Library Café

2016年11月07日 伦敦房叔

你一定没听过如此文艺又有艺术感的菜名吧,英国的一位非常有品味的美食博主,她叫Kate Young,她的网站The Little Library Café是房叔的心头大爱。这个网站上,你会看到各种诱人的美食和其食谱,最重要的是,这些食物均来源于著名的文学名著,比如伍尔夫的红酒烧牛肉,普拉斯的冰激凌火焰,唐娜·塔特的蓝莓巧克力松饼等。

Kate在网站上这样介绍自己说,她从小就对文学和美食有着浓厚的兴趣。从小就对将文学与食物结合感兴趣。孩童时期的她会幻想着在格兰芬多的炉火边吃糖浆馅饼,会幻想着跟小熊维尼分食同一罐蜂蜜。我们可以看到在The Little Library Café里出现的文学名著都是全世界书迷心中的最经典的著作。另一方面,Kate的食谱充满着浓厚的英伦风情,在她的食谱中藏着许多属于那个小岛的秘密等你去发现。

The Little Library Café

Dumplings                           饺子

The Kitchen God's Wife 《灶神之妻》

Amy Tan                             谭恩美


Back home, I told the cook girl to boil enough pots of water and to chop enough pork and vegetables to make a thousand dumplings, both steamed and boiled, with plenty of fresh ginger, good soy sauce, and sweet vinegar for dipping. Hulan helped me knead the flour and roll out the dough into small circles.
I admit I was at first impressed by her cooking skills. She worked fast, pushing hard against her rolling stick. She was able to roll out three skins for every two that I made. And she always grabbed just the right amount of meat filling to dab in the middle of the skin, never having to add a little more or take a little off. With one pinch, she closed the dumpling off.

The Kitchen God's Wife, Amy Tan

Boeuf en Daube          红酒炖牛肉

To the Lighthouse.   《到灯塔去》

Virginia Woolf           弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙


…an exquisite scent of olives and oil and juice rose from the great brown dish as Marthe, with a little flourish, took the cover off. The cook had spent three days over that dish. And she must take great care, Mrs. Ramsay thought, diving into the soft mass, to choose a specially tender piece for William Bankes. And she peered into the dish, with its shiny walls and its confusion of savoury brown and yellow meats and its bay leaves and its wine...

To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf

在房叔心里,Kate Young不仅仅是个美食博主,更是一个艺术家,她用心的把文学世界里的食物还原到我们日常生活中的每一餐,是文学与美食的结合,更是艺术与生活的互相升华。

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