
2013年11月14日 我身边的澳大利亚





工党这边,他特别提到了工党现任领袖Bill Shorten, 他本人的坚定支持者Anthony Albanese 和 Chris Bowen。








老陆的知心好友,工党战略家Bruce Hawker把他们两人比喻为工党的“阴与阳”:公众尊重老陆,但党内喜欢吉拉德。

“他可以拉拢选民,她可以把党团结在他周围。二人合体无坚不摧,可是两人一旦分道扬镳则不堪一击 --- 党内派系大佬对老陆、公众舆论对吉拉德都是致命的。”



A farewell to Rudd: Australia’s ambitious, impatient, divisive leader

The euphoria of the election of Kevin 07, the freneticism of the following three years in power, the devastation of the 2010 coup, the desperation of his last-minute resurrection before the 2013 poll – the rollercoaster ride of the Rudd 

era for the Australian Labor party has come to an end with his tearful announcement on Wednesday night that he is to retire from politics.

Rudd was not of the normal Labor party mould – he did not rise through the usual factional processes, he did not make policy through the normal mechanisms of compromise and attrition, and he did not aspire to caution or gradualism in 

either politics or ideas.

Rudd's father died when he was 11 and the years that followed in which his mother struggled to raise the family – including a night they had to sleep in a car – had a formative effect on the former leader. He excelled at university, 

where he studied Chinese language and history and was a diplomat and adviser to the former Queensland premier Wayne Goss before entering federal parliament in 1998.

He seized office with an impatience and ambition very unlike the Howard government that came before him or the Abbott government that came after Labor’s term.

His apology to the Indigenous stolen generations “made a mark in history”, according to the former Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull, and was also hailed by the prime minister, Tony Abbott.

His 2020 summit sought to tap into the minds of the best and brightest in the land, his ratification of the Kyoto protocol symbolised a break with Australia’s previously sceptical climate change stance, and his neo-Keynesian response to 

the global financial crisis meant that Australia avoided the unemployment and social dislocation wrought by that in other countries, although he was criticised for spending too much. Rudd demanded a seat for Australia on the G20; he 

brokered a deal to try to keep the car industry going in Australia even as it collapsed around the world; and he reformed the health system.

But he also elicited enormous ill feeling among colleagues for a highly dysfunctional leadership style and for stalling decisions. Most fatefully, he balked at calling a double dissolution election when the Coalition blocked his 

emissions trading scheme – and then shelved the scheme in 2010, a complicated decision that translated to the public as a simple message of inauthenticity and opened the way for Abbott’s effective campaign against the policy.

The emissions trading scheme was eventually legislated by Julia Gillard and his resignation announcement come on the same day Abbott introduced legislation for its repeal.

The coup against Rudd in June 2010 was sudden and shocking and began a rift from which the Labor government never recovered. The manner of Gillard’s ascent meant Rudd and his supporters never accepted her leadership as legitimate. The 

way they sought his return to the job meant she and her backers were determined to resist his resurrection to the bitter end.

Rudd’s friend and confidant, the Labor strategist Bruce Hawker, described Gillard and Rudd as the “yin and yang” of the Labor party.

“The public respected him and the party loved her," Hawker wrote in his diary-style account of Rudd’s return to power, The Rudd Rebellion: The Campaign to Save Labor.

"He could woo the electorate and she could pull the caucus in behind him ... Together they were indomitable, but apart they were vulnerable: he to the faction leaders and she to public opinion.”

Ultimately they each succumbed to that weakness and retired from the political stage.

In the end, Rudd returned with just a few months until he would have to call the 2013 election and, once again frantic to make change, brought in rule changes to ensure factional leaders could never again treat a Labor leader as they had 

once treated him and policy changes on asylum and carbon pricing to try to stem Labor’s electoral losses.

He believes he “saved” Labor from a potentially worse defeat. He insisted he was retiring bearing malice to no one.

In his resignation speech Rudd said he would be working on an array of issues, including Indigenous recognition, organ donation, homelessness and foreign language learning. He intends to spend more time with his wife, Therese Rein, who runs a successful employment services company, and their three children and toddler grand-daughter.

The speeches that followed his shock announcement – from all sides of the chamber – indicated that it may now be possible to see through the malice between the two leaders to assess the policy successes, and failures, of Labor’s term in office over which they presided. 






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