
2014年11月17日 澳大利亚豪力法律服务

























· 澳大利亚的外商投资基本规则

· 澳大利亚税收政策


· 澳大利亚背景篇:包括澳大利亚政府制度、法律制度、企业结构

· 其他常见领域法律与规定:技术与知识产权保护、反垄断和消费者保护法、合同法、公开接管、电子商务、商业移民和雇主担保签证、房地产、环境法、气候变化相关规定


Workplace Relations in Australia

– Part 2


Awards are statutory instruments which contain the minimum terms and conditions that apply to most employees working in the particular industries to which they apply. The terms and conditions contained in awards are supplementary to those contained in the NES and employers need to ensure they arefamiliar with any awards that may apply to their employees.

Enterprise Agreements

Enterprise Agreements are agreements that contain the termsand conditions of a group of employees, usually employed by the same employer. Enterprise Agreements are negotiated between the employer and its employees,either directly or through bargaining representatives such as an employeeunion.

Individual Employment Contracts

An employer and an individual employee may also enter intoan individual employment contract. Contracted conditions are subject to the minimum employment standards provided under the NES, awards and enterprise agreements. Individual contracts will usually address additional terms and conditions to those contained in the NES plus applicable awardsor enterprise agreements. The terms and conditions that may be addressed include bonuses, salary sacrificing arrangements and restraints relating to after the employment period.

Potential Employment Claims

Unfair dismissal: the FW Act provides a mechanism for certainemployees to challenge the termination of their employment by claiming therehas been an ’unfair dismissal’ on the basis that the termination was harsh,unjust or unreasonable in the circumstances. If an employee is successful in bringing an unfair dismissal claim, they can be reinstated with full back payor may receive up to six months’ remuneration as compensation.

General protections: an employee may bring an action underthe general protection provision of the FW Act if the employer takes ‘adverseaction’ against the employee because they have a workplace right, have exerciseda workplace right or propose to exercise a workplace right. Adverse action claimscan also be commenced by prospective employees and independent contractors andare not limited to termination of employment or contract situations.

Discrimination: in addition to a general protections claimunder the FW Act, an employee may also bring a discrimination claim against their employer or former employer under federal or state anti-discrimination legislation.Such a claim will be successful if the employee has been treated less favourably than others because of, for instance, their age, race, religion, sex, sexual preferenceor the existence or perceived existence of a disability.

Other possible claims: claims can also exist for breach of theemployment contract or misleading and deceptive conduct in relation to the employmentunder the Federal Competition and Consumer Law Act.

WorkplaceHealth and Safety

Australia has a comprehensive workplace health and safety regime,which operates at the state level and requires employers to ensure the health, safetyand wellbeing of their employees and other people who attend the employer’s workplace.

Health and safety inspectors are given power to inspect any workplaceto ensure that the employer is complying with their workplace health and safety obligations. Breaches of workplace health and safety obligations expose employers,including directors and managerial staff, to prosecution. Fines of up to $1.6 million and imprisonment can be imposed.


In addition to the prohibition against discrimination underthe general protections provisions in the FW Act, there is anti- discrimination legislation at both the federal and state level that prohibits discrimination on prescribed grounds in relation to, for instance, recruitment, the terms and conditions of employment, dismissal of an employee and access to promotion and training opportunities. The grounds upon which a person may bring a discrimination claimare broad. As well as the more commonly litigated grounds of disability, age, sexand race, claims can also be brought for discrimination on the basis of national extraction, political opinion, gender identity, criminal records and medical records.


In accordance with the compulsory superannuation guarantee scheme that operates in Australia, an employer must make superannuation contributions for their employees. Under the 1992 Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act, all employers are required to make compulsory superannuation contributions (currently 9.25% of an employee’s ordinary time earnings, up to a maximum contribution base) to a complying superannuation fund. If an employer fails to make, or makes insufficient, contributions for an employee, the employer will incur a superannuation guarantee charge liability.


We provideexcellent, expert advice to businesses wishing to invest in Australia.

The coming topicsinclude:

· Foreign Investment

· Tax

We will also bring you many more valuableinformation and news relevant to your investment in Australia in our laterrelease, such as:

· Background information of Australia, includingAustralian government, legal system, and business structures, etc.

· Laws and regulations in various common areas,including protection of technology and intellectual property, anti-trust andconsumer law, contract law, business migration, real property, publictakeovers, and electronic commerce etc.

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