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2018年06月26日 无忧小雅哥

2018.06.23 Academic Task 2 Sample Essay

Today, the fast changes of people’s lifestyle have affected the relationship between family members. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of it.

The modern world has brought several prompt changes to people’s lifestyle which have affected family bonds. This has resulted in merits in the form of closer parent-children relationships and demerits in the form of distance between relatives.


family bonds:


e.g.: The population issue can not be evaluated by individual factors such as personal feeling or family bond.


n. 缺点,短处,过失

e.g.: It uses a technique that we call a demerit score based credit scheme.

in the form of:


e.g.: These are in the form of data exporting and reporting.

On the one hand, the primary benefit of the fast-paced lifestyle is that parents and children seem to be closer to one another as they share a friendship-like bond. Due to lack of time, parents treat their children as young adults leading to kids and parents building a more intimate and mature relationship than before. For example, working parents face a bustling life and are unable to spend time with their little ones during the day. They meet their children in the evenings when they spend quality time together and catch up on the goings-on of the day just as friends without the usual reprimands which are common between parents and their offspring.



adj. 亲密的,温馨的

e.g.: The collection has been moved from its intimate setting to the British Museum.


adj. 熙熙攘攘的,忙乱的

e.g.: The flower market was bustling with shoppers.


n./v. 谴责,训斥

e.g.: The military court reprimanded him for failing to do his duty.

On the other hand, several disadvantages have sprouted from contemporary way of life as the distance between relatives has grown. With the surge in globalization, improvement of technology and development of economies, increasing number of people are moving overseas to build their careers. As a result, the physical as well as the emotional distance between family members has heightened substantially. For instance, many youngsters from developing countries migrate to Australia or America for academic and employment opportunities, distancing themselves from relatives who they do not meet for many months or years, and gradually alienating themselves from such family members.


sprout from:


e.g.: After a light spring rain, leaves began to sprout from tress.


n. 汹涌,涌现

e.g.: But for some people merely imagining this scene creates an adrenaline surge.


v. 提高,增高

e.g.: Increased levels of fat in the diet could heighten the risk of cancer.


adv. 实质地,大量地

e.g.: There are one or two minor differences, but they are substantially the same text.


vt. 使疏远,离间

e.g.: The latest tax proposals will alienate many voters.

In conclusion, the current swift life has greatly impacted relationships between family members which have diverse benefits including close-knit parents and children and limitations including loss of intimacy with relatives.



adj. 紧密的,严谨的

e.g.: Events over the last year have created a close-knit community.


n. 亲密行为,亲近

e.g.: a close sense of intimacy between parent and child











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